02 - Call Reception
12 min
Created by Rafael Frigotto on 5/11/2018 11:00 AM
Updated by Karine Moreira on 9/23/2024 6:03 PM

          Unify and simplify the management of services on a single platform. This is the goal of the Movidesk - Telephony integration. Transform phone calls into new tickets (or link them to existing tickets) with links to the call recordings, monitor the flow of services in real time, and gain greater control over your requests using this powerful system feature. 

It is possible to integrate phone systems with the system through our API consumption. You can find the complete documentation of these APIs by clicking here.


How to configure the telephony module in Movidesk

          The first step to using the Movidesk telephony module is to enable it through the access profile. By default, this feature is enabled for administrator profiles and denied for others. If you want to grant permission for creating telephony service groups to other agents (non-administrators), go to "Settings >> Access Profiles", click on the desired profile, and in the "Settings" tab, scroll down to the "Allow creating telephony service groups" parameter and enable it.


          Then, confirm the changes by clicking the Save  button. Refresh the page and access the "Settings" menu. The "Telephony" menu should appear, along with the "Telephony Groups" option.


          After enabling the permission to register telephony groups, the next step is to register at least one group. Go to the "Telephony Groups" menu, displayed in the settings menu (as shown in the image above). The system will display a grid with all registered groups (as well as chat groups). Click the "" icon to create a new group; Movidesk will open a new window to register the group's information.

            In the "Main" tab, define the name of the service group and enter the queue ID, which should be the identifier of the phone system queue corresponding to the current group.


          Next, go to the "Service Hours" tab.  If you choose not to use service hours, phone calls will be transferred whenever any agent in the group is online, regardless of the day or time. If you opt to use service hours, in addition to having an agent online, it will also be necessary to be within the service hours.


          Then, move to the "Holidays" tab and define which holidays should be observed by the telephony integration service. The days indicated in this block will not have phone service, even if an agent is online. Use the "Load all holidays" option to consider all holidays registered in the system (remember that you can register new holidays through "Settings >> SLA >> Holidays"). 


IMPORTANT: It is important to note that both on holidays defined by the group and in situations where calls are outside of service hours or no agents are online to handle them, as well as in case of customer abandonment in the waiting queue, all calls will result in new tickets marked as "missed call".


          The next step is in the "Overflow" tab. Overflow will indicate to the telephony integration service that the call should be forwarded to another group if all agents in the group are unavailable or if the group is on holiday or outside of service hours. If this parameter is enabled, you need to choose which groups, in the defined order, the system should forward the call to.


          Moving to the "Parameters" tab, you can define whether you want to allow (or not) call transfers between agents within the group. This allows, for example, an agent to transfer the call to another agent who is already handling the service. You can also define if the calls received by this group should be automatically forwarded to another group in the following scenarios: "Only if the customer is inactive", "Only if the customer's number is not found", "If the customer is inactive or the number is not found" (in these cases, you might, for example, forward the call to the administrative/financial department), or not forward automatically.


          We now reach the "Administrators" tab.  Just like in chat groups, telephony group administrators are agents with the authority to monitor phone calls being made by other agents in the group, as well as related indicators (it is important to note that there is no limit to the number of administrators per group). If you want the administrator to take calls in the group they manage, you will need to select them in the next tab, in the list of attendants.


          The last tab to configure is "Attendants". Attendants are the agents who can take phone calls within the group. Every group needs at least one enabled attendant, with no maximum limit. Drag the agents up and down to set the order that the system should follow when distributing calls. It is important to note that Movidesk employs fair call distribution, always forwarding to the next agent defined in the queue. 


NOTE: All agents registered as attendants in phone groups must have an extension provided in their profile (in the people profile), otherwise, the integration will not work correctly.


          After completing all relevant settings for the phone group, click "Save" to save the settings, or "Save and creat a new one" to save the information and set up a new group. Refresh the page, and Movidesk will display new icons.

          The icon displayed in the upper bar, next to the notifications, will be shown only to phone group attendants and will allow them to indicate whether they are (or are not) available to receive new calls.


          As for the icon displayed in the sidebar, to the left of the video, it is visible to administrators and phone group attendants and allows them to monitor ongoing services, as well as (for administrators only) access to exclusive indicators for this module.


About the phone module operation

          Whenever a new call is routed to an agent's extension registered in a phone group, the system will automatically open a new tab called "Phone Call", which cannot be closed manually (it will be automatically hidden once the service is finished). On this screen, the system will display the tickets of the customer linked to the phone number that made the call.


          It is possible to link the call to any of these tickets. Simply access the ticket you want to assign the call to and click on the "Assign Call" icon. It is also possible to create a new ticket for the service by clicking on the button "". It is important to emphasize that all services performed in phone groups must be linked to tickets, and each call results in a new action on the ticket, with a link to the service recording. 


WARNING: If, for any reason, the agent assigns the call to a new ticket and forgets to save it, the ticket will disappear and the system will need to recover it after 4 hours, with a link to the call recording.


          Even on the phone call screen, it is possible to edit the client's record details online or even create a new contact. Calls from numbers not registered in Movidesk do not prevent new tickets from being opened. In these cases, the requests will be opened with "unknown requester".


          From this screen, it is also possible to transfer the service (if allowed in the group settings). Simply select the attendant you want to forward the service to and click "Transfer Call". The "Phone Call" tab will automatically close for the agent who transferred the service and will simultaneously open for the new attendant.


NOTE: It is important to emphasize that transferring the service through the platform will not transfer the voice call. It is necessary to transfer the call to another extension via the phone.


Removal of Calls Stuck on the Management Screen

In some situations, calls may get stuck on the management screen. There are two ways to remove them:

  1. Action by Movidesk Support: Contact the Movidesk support team to request the removal of stuck calls. Our team will be happy to help.

  2. Action by the Client: To resolve the issue on your own, use the following link: Remove Stuck Calls and fill out the form fields. This resource helps in the autonomous and practical removal of stuck calls.

⚠️ Attention: In cases of stuck calls, it is important to check with the company responsible for the telephony integration if there is any issue on their side, as Movidesk only receives the calls.