The Movidesk API offers features that allow you to consult information from the Knowledge Base directly via HTTP requests. With this API, it is possible to integrate the search for articles into your system, automating queries and retrieving specific content.
API Administration
To use the API, a Authentication Token, which must be sent in all requests via the header. This token can be obtained from the Movidesk control panel by following these steps:
Go to the Configuration menu.
Vá até Account > Parameters.
In the Environment tab, scroll to the bottom of the page to find the Token. Copy the key provided.
This token should be treated as a security key, preventing unauthorized sharing.
With the authentication key in hand, choose a tool to test the API. In Movidesk, we recommend Postman, a widely used software to test and manipulate APIs with ease.
To test, follow the instructions:
Open the Postman and create a new request.
In the URL field, enter the API endpoint you want to consult. For example, to list a single article, the endpoint would be
In the Authorization tab, enter the authentication token in the header or as a parameter in the query, as required.
Paste the key you copied earlier into the Token field.
Choose the appropriate HTTP method (e.g. GET to query data).
Click on Send to send the request à API.
Limits and safety
The consultation of a specific article can be done through your ID.
The endpoint for this operation is:
URL: /public/v1/article/:id
Método: GET
Article identifier
Example of request in Postman:
Authorization: YOUR_TOKEN
This request will return the article with the ID provided, including its HTML content and other information such as attachments and categories.
Example Answer
The success response (HTTP Status 200) will have the following format:
"id": 12345,
"articleStatus": 1,
"Article content</p>",
"categories": ["Support", "Documentation"],
"createdDate": "2023-01-01T12:00:00Z",
- .
- If the token is not entered correctly, the API will return an error
HTTP Status 401
. - If the ID is not found, the return will be
HTTP Status 404
. - If the Id is found, an HTTP Status 200 and a Content-type in JSON format will be returned with the layouts:
Property | Type | Size | Description |
id | int | 64 | Article identifier. |
articleStatus | int | 1 |
Status of the Article: 1 - Published; 2 - Suspended. |
attachments | array | List of attachments. | |
categories | array | List of categories. | |
contentHtml | string | max | Article content in HTML format. |
contentText | string | max | Article content without formatting. |
createdDate | datetime | Article creation date. | |
updatedDate | datetime |
Article update date. |
menu | object | Menu the article is in. | |
relateds | array | List of related articles. | |
revisionId | int | 64 | Id of the published article review. |
services | array | List of services linked to the article. | |
slug | string | 256 | List of services linked to the article. |
summary | string | max | Summary of the article |
tags | array | List of article tags | |
title | string | 512 | Article title. |
readingTime | time | Approximate time to read the article. |
Property | Type | Size | Description |
id | int | 64 | File identifier. |
name | string | 255 |
File name. |
hash | string | 32 | File identification hash. |
Property | Type | Size | Description |
id | int | 64 | Category identifier. |
name | string | 128 |
Category name. |
Property | Type | Size | Description |
id | int | 64 | Menu identifier. |
name | string | 128 |
Name of the menu. |
Property | Type | Size | Description |
id | int | 64 | Identifier of the related article. |
title | string | 512 |
Title of the related article. |
path | string | max | URL of the related article. |[n]
Property | Type | Size | Description |
id | int | 64 | Service identifier. |
name | string | 128 |
Name of the service. |
"id": 19040,
"articleStatus": 1,
"attachments": [
"id": 48,
"name": "pinboard.png",
"hash": "358F297CE2F84F08C7B85C9EF36AFCB7"
"categories": [
"id": 6622,
"name": "Configurações 2"
"contentHtml": "<strong>Um novo artigo<br /><br /><br /></strong>Conteudo do artigo",
"contentText": "Um novo artigo\n\nConteudo do artigo\n",
"createdDate": "2023-04-19T19:33:06.7051183",
"menu": {
"id": 6,
"name": "Menu principal"
"updatedDate": "2023-04-19T19:33:06.7416947",
"relateds": [
"id": 8768,
"title": "A chave fornecida não estava presente no dicionario",
"path": "/kb/article/8768/a-chave-fornecida-nao-estava-presente-no-dicionario-2"
"revisionId": 19126,
"services": [
"id": 5711,
"summary": "new article",
"tags": [
Integration with the API: Article search
Searches for published and/or suspended articles in the database from paraParameters passed in the URL.Returns a simplified version of the listing for a single article.
The endpoint for this operation is:
Méall: GET
Property | Type | Description |
q | string | Value to be searched in title, summary or description. |
title | string |
Value to be searched only in the title. |
updatedDateFrom | datetime | Initial interval of the last update. |
updatedDateTo | datetime | Last update interval. |
createdDateFrom | datetime | Starting range of creation date. |
createdDateTo | datetime | End of creation date. |
status | int |
Article status: 1 (Published); 4 (Suspended). By default it shows all published and suspended articles. |
tags | string | Name of the tag to be searched. |
category | string | Name of the category to be searched. |
menu | string | Name of the menu to be searched. |
page | int | Current page of search results. Default value: 0. |
pageSize | int | Quantity of records per page. Default value: 30. |
Example of request in the Postman
Authorization: YOUR_TOKEN
- If the token is not entered in the header, an HTTP Status 401 will be returned.
- If the request is successful, it returns HTTP Status 200.
- It always returns a JSON, with the layout pattern below:
Property | Type | Description |
pageSize | int | Quantity of records per page. |
totalSize | int |
Total records found. |
items | array |
If it finds results, it returns a list with a simplified version of the article layout .Otherwise, it returns an empty list . |
updatedDateTo | datetime | Last update interval. |
createdDateFrom | datetime | Initial range of creation date. |
createdDateTo | datetime | End of creation date interval. |
Example 3-01-01&updatedDateTo=2023-06-01&createdDateFrom=2023-01-01&createdD ateTo=2023-06-01&status=1&pageSize=10&page=0
"pageSize": 10,
"totalSize": 2,
"items": [
"id": 6341,
"title": "Um novo artigo",
"summary": "Resumo do artigo",
"updatedAt": "2023-03-13T20:00:10.5265472Z",
"createdAt": "2023-03-13T19:59:23.2773286Z",
"status": 1,
"tags": [
"migração 01"
"menu": {
"id": null,
"name": null
"id": 6342,
"title":"Another article",
"summary": null,
"status": 1,
"tags": [],
"id": 2713,
"name": "Category"
}, "menu": {
id: 274,
"name": "MenuKB"
API Management
After configuring and testing the API, it's important to follow good management practices:
Monitoring: Track the number of requests made and adjust the volume as necessary.
Security: The Authentication Token must be stored in a secure place to prevent unauthorized access.
Logs and Auditing: Use monitoring tools to check faults and latencies in real time.