05 - What is the time spent by tickets in each stage of service by the responsible person?
4 min
Created by Marileia Barboza dos Santos on 8/9/2023 5:29 PM
Updated by Karine Moreira on 9/24/2024 3:38 PM

Ticket Time per Responsible

This report provides information about service efficiency by tracking the time each ticket spends under the responsibility of different agents.

Report Overview

To view your report, access the Movidesk Side Menu -> Iconicon (2).png> Reports -> What is the time spent by tickets in each service stage by responsible person?:

Allow Access to the Report
If the report is not available in the reports tab, it will need to be enabled within your access profile. Click on Settings -> People -> Access Profile -> In the Reports tab, enable the parameter "Allow viewing the ticket time report by responsible person":

Filters and Periods
By default, the report period will always be the current month, but it can be adjusted, respecting a one-year interval. Based on the period, we can specify in the report if we want to retrieve reports of open or closed tickets, filtering by open date or completion date. Additionally, more filters can be added to get the desired result.

Important: The ticket will only count the time it was under the agent's responsibility once the agent is changed.

Example: ticket 1 has been with agent Leonardo for 3 hours, but this information will not appear in the report until the status is changed or the ticket is reassigned to another agent.

By default, the report follows the business hours established in the parameters.

Export Data 

After applying the desired filter, it is possible to export the data to spreadsheets in .csv (Google Sheets and other applications) or .xls (Excel 97 and newer versions) formats, via the Movidesk Processing Center.

Generate Report

Clicking "Generate Report" will display a pop-up with two options:
  • Generate the report on-screen, an option that displays the data on-screen without creating a file. We emphasize that the on-screen return of the data may vary depending on the selected period and filters. Therefore, we recommend exporting via the Processing Center to view the data in Excel or Google Sheets;
  • Export data via the Processing Center, where you can select available formats to generate the report. Through the Center, you can download the file once it is available.

Using the report and available filters, we can track the time each ticket spends in all stages of the service process. The reports allow grouping by dragging the desired column header to the highlighted area of the report.

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