02 - Categories
3 min
Created by Movidesk on 7/2/2019 4:23 PM
Updated by Karine Moreira on 9/16/2024 2:25 PM

In this article, you will learn how categories work in tickets

The category identifies the type of request that was made in the ticket. By default, four categories are already registered in the system: question, problem, service request, and suggestion. It is possible to delete them or create new ones.


Overview of categories

Categories can be created and edited by any agent who has the parameter enabled in: settings > people > access profiles > agents > settings > allow category registration.

The category can be specified when opening a ticket by any agent who has the parameter enabled in: settings > people > access profiles > agents > tickets > allow specifying the category when opening tickets.

It is possible to allow customers to specify the category when opening a ticket if the parameter is enabled in: settings > people > access profiles > customers > tickets > allow specifying the category when opening tickets.

It is possible to allow customers to view the category of their pending tickets if the parameter is enabled in: settings > people > access profiles > customers > tickets > allow viewing the ticket category.


How to create new categories?

To register a category, you must go to settings > classification > categories. Click on the + icon. First, you need to choose a name for your category.

Then, select the button that determines whether the created category will be available only for public tickets, only for internal tickets, or for both types.


Finally, if the parameter allow all urgencies is checked, all tickets in that category can be classified with all registered urgencies.

If it is unchecked, it is possible to select the urgency options that will appear in tickets belonging to the category.

If the parameter is unchecked and no urgency is selected, when a ticket is classified in that category, there will be no urgency options.