Additional fields for tickets
7 min
Created by Movidesk on 8/20/2019 9:18 AM
Updated by Karine Moreira on 10/3/2024 6:04 PM

In this article, you will learn how to configure and consult the additional fields for tickets.

Additional fields are extras that allow collecting more detailed information during the ticket registration process. They offer flexibility to create custom fields, tailoring the system to your needs. Various types of fields are available with different configuration options.

Configuration of additional fields

By default, this module is enabled only for administrators. To grant access to agents:

1. Go to Settings > People > Access Profile ;

2. Select the profile of the agents;

3. In the Settings tab, check the option Allow registering additional fields

4. For these fields to be applied to the service, it will also be necessary to create display rules. Enable this feature on the same page by checking Allow registering display rules for additional fields .


All set! After enabling these options, you will be able to create the fields and their respective rules on the main page of Settings > Additional Fields .

How to create a new additional field

To create a new field: 

1. Access Settings > Additional Fields > Fields . On this screen, you will see the fields created for tickets and people.

💡 Tip : Use filters to make searching easier.

2. Click on New Field to start the setup. You will need to define:

  • Name : Identification of the field in the system.

  • Field for : Choose if the field will be used for tickets or people.

Available field types:

  • Single line text : Simple text field, with up to 255 characters.

  • Multi-line text : No character limit.

  • HTML Text : Allows HTML formatting.

  • Regular expression : Highly customizable field, such as to validate CPF, CNPJ, or other custom expressions. Examples:

    • CPF (with punctuation): ^([0-9]{3})([.])([0-9]{3})([.])([0-9]{3})([-])([0-9]{2})?$

    • CNPJ (with and without punctuation): [0-9]{2}.?[0-9]{3}.?[0-9]{3}/?[0-9]{4}-?[0-9]{2}

    • Accept letters only: ^[A-Za-z]+$

  • Negative number: ^(0(,\d{0,2})?|-?[1-9]\d*(,\d{1,2})?|-0,(0[1-9]|[1-9]\d?))$

💡 Tip : If you need a field type that is not available, try creating it with regular expressions.

    • List of values : Create a combo of selectable options.

    • People list: Allows selecting registered people.

    • Client list: Allows selecting registered clients.

    • Agent list: Allows selecting registered agents.

    • Multiple selection: Allows choosing multiple options.

    • Single selection: Allows choosing only one option.

    • Numeric: Field for numbers, with or without decimals.

    • Date/Time: To enter date (dd/mm/yyyy), time (hh
      ) or both.

    • Email: Validates if the email is correct.

    • Phone: Field with phone mask.

    • URL: Validates URLs.

    • File: Allows attaching files up to 10 MB.

    • Help text (optional): Explanatory text that appears next to the field.

⚠️Attention: When changing the field type, previously filled data will be lost. Depending on the selected format, it is also possible to perform additional configurations such as multiple options, expressions, and/or decimals. This extra configuration will always appear at the bottom left of the screen.

3. After configuring the field, click on Save

Save and manage fields

To create more fields, use the option Save and Create New

On the Fields screen, you will be able to enable, disable, or delete the created fields.

Display Rules

To apply a field to the registration of tickets or people, it is necessary to create a display rule. This defines aspects such as mandatory fields and positioning.

Access Settings > Additional Fields > Display Rules and click on New Field . Define the following parameters:

      • Name: Rule identification.

      • Allows addition of new lines: Enables the addition of multiple lines for the same field in a ticket.

      • Rule for: Define whether the rule will be used in tickets or people registration.

Configure fields and rules

1. In the Conditions tab, set the criteria to activate the rule. 

2. In Fields, link the fields to the rule by dragging them to the box. 

3. Configure parameters such as size, visibility (customer, agent, or both), and mandatory status.

      • Columns: Define the space occupied by the field on the screen (scale of 1 to 12).

      • Show to: Who will see the field (agent, customer, or both).

      • Require: Define when and for whom filling out will be mandatory:

        • On opening (agent or customer)

        • At the start of service

        • On ticket completion

        • Do not require: Filling out is optional.

4. After configuring, click on Save. If necessary, edit or delete the definitions later.

⚠️ Attention: When adding a new field, repeat the configuration process according to your needs.

Screen Positioning

In the tab Screen Position, define where the fields will appear: left or right column. Drag the fields to organize them on the screen. Then, click on Save to finalize.

💡 Tip: The blue fields represent sets of additional fields. Drag them to set their position.