05 - Chat Distribution
5 min
Created by Rafael Frigotto on 11/23/2017 9:16 AM
Updated by Karine Moreira on 9/20/2024 5:59 PM

         If you thought of dynamism in customer service, you thought of the automatic chat distribution module. Another great feature of your Movidesk, automatic chat distribution adds a lot of quality and agility to chat distribution  in a simple, fair, and effective way, aiming for an equal distribution among agents and avoiding users selecting what they want (or do not want) to handle. 

         You can edit the ordering of agents for chat distribution, as well as select which groups will use this feature, in the way that best fits your scenario.


How to configure automatic chat distribution

         Automatic chat distribution works such that whenever a new chat is received, the system checks if the distribution parameter is active and following the sequence, if there is an agent online with a number of simultaneous attendances below the limit. If there is any available agent (within the criteria described above), Movidesk will automatically assign the chat to this agent, opening a new tab with the chat in progress.

         To ensure that chats directed to a specific team are distributed automatically, you should go to Settings >> Chat >> Chat Groups and in the group registration where you want, check the checkbox "Enable automatic chat distribution", in the "Automatic Distribution" tab (which by default is unchecked), as illustrated in the image below.


ATTENTION: If you want to enable this feature for more than one group, this procedure must be repeated for each of them.


         After marking the parameter, a new criterion called "Maximum number of simultaneous attendances per agent" will be displayed by the system. By default, this field will be shown with no value and if you keep it that way, there will be no limit to the number of chats handled at the same time by the agents in this group. However, if you prefer, you can set a limit that suits you better. In this way, when all the agents in the group reach the defined ceiling, new attendances will be sent to the waiting queue and as soon as an agent finishes a chat, the first chat in the queue will be assigned to them immediately and the system will show the new tab with the chat already open for the agent.


ATTENTION:  It is important to list some situations that will not be considered for the calculation of the attendance limit. See below.


  • Chats opened through existing tickets.
  • Internal chats.
  • Chats originating from other groups (if an agent is part of two different groups and each of the two groups has a limit of 2 simultaneous attendances, for example, the parallel attendance limit for this agent will be 4, as the calculation rule applies to each group individually).


         Having enabled the parameter that activates automatic distribution and defined what the limit (or if there will be a limit) for simultaneous attendances will be, check the chat distribution order of the group and if you wish, change it by clicking on the line corresponding to the agent and dragging it to the desired position. 


         Once done, click on Save. Your changes will be saved successfully and the chats directed to this group will be properly forwarded to an agent automatically.