02 - Time tracking
12 min
Created by Edson Maestri on 6/11/2016 11:04 PM
Updated by Karine Moreira on 9/16/2024 1:05 PM
Being able to control the time worked by the agent on each ticket is essential for many companies, especially those that provide services and charge clients based on hours worked.

By default, this module is disabled, but if you want to use it, simply activate a few parameters so that you can track working time and generate service reports for your clients.


Some parameters regarding time tracking

There are several parameters related to the time tracking module. They are as follows:

Parameter: Use time tracking on tickets

Definition: This is the parameter that enables or disables the time tracking module within Movidesk. If unchecked, even if you configure the rest of the functionality, it will not be possible to use time tracking in Movidesk.

Location: Account settings. Tickets tab, Time Tracking section.

Time tracking type

Definition: This parameter determines whether the agent must report the start and end time or just the total time worked on the action. If you choose the first option, by reporting the start and end time, the system will automatically calculate the time worked.

Location: Account settings. Tickets tab, Time Tracking section.

Work period type (Normal/Overtime) definition

Definition: This parameter indicates whether the agent must manually report whether the time worked was during normal or overtime hours, or if the system should automatically calculate it. Using the system's automatic calculation, you must enter your working hours. Once done, Movidesk will evaluate whether that time is within or outside of the schedule and define the time as normal or overtime. If you report time partially in normal and partially in overtime hours, the system will split the record into two, one for normal hours and one for overtime.

Location: Account settings. Tickets tab, Time Tracking section.

Default calendar

Definition: Here, you must enter the company's working hours for each day of the week. It will be used if you set the parameter for the system to automatically calculate the type of recorded time as normal or overtime.

Location: Account settings. Configurations tab.

Allow activity tracking

Definition: When entering work time on the ticket, you must indicate what activity was performed; it could be consulting, testing, development, etc. This parameter gives access to the screen for tracking activities performed by the company.

Location: Agent access profile. Configurations tab, Time Tracking section.

Allow time tracking on tickets

Definition: This parameter grants the agent permission to indicate the time worked when recording an action on the ticket. Through the parameter, you can indicate whether the agent cannot record hours worked, can do so, but it's not mandatory, or can do so and it's mandatory to report at least one worked time to be able to record the action.

Location: Agent access profile. Tickets tab, Service section.

Allow editing of time records on the time tracking management screen

Definition: When editing an action, the agent can also edit the times recorded for that action. This behavior is the system's default. However, if this parameter is checked, the agent can modify or delete any time registered on that ticket through the detailed worked time screen. We recommend enabling this parameter only for administrators.

Location: Agent access profile. Tickets tab, Service section.

You can enable or disable these options at any time. But remember: it is only possible to register time if the ticket already has a category that allows time tracking.

In the knowledge base, we also have an article on how to record time on a ticket in Movidesk.

Click here to access the article.

On the Main tab of the system, access the Settings option. In the left menu, locate the Markings group and then the Activities option.

The activity registration follows the standard already used on other system registration screens.

Marking hours on tickets


After configuring the parameters and registering the activities, you will be able to start logging the time worked on tickets.

To do this, note that both when opening a ticket as an agent and when editing the ticket, whenever that agent has permission to log the time worked, a block will appear for indicating the hours worked.

These fields follow some rules that we will explain below:

 Date: Date the work was performed. By default, the current day will always be suggested, but you can modify it by clicking on the field. If you change the date and then click to add a new timeline, the new line will assume the date indicated on the previous line.

Start | End: Start and end time of the work. If you have configured your Movidesk to report only the time worked, these fields will not appear.

The clocks next to the start and end fields are for automatically filling in the start or end time with the current time.

Logged time: Total time logged. If your Movidesk is set to report start and end times, this field will be disabled, serving only to show the total time between the start and end times, but if your parameter is set to report only the time worked, this field will be enabled and the total work time must be informed in it.
Hour type: Indicator of normal or overtime. It will be disabled if the information is automatic by the system and enabled if it can be defined by the agent. When the information is automatic by the system, the field will always appear as Normal at the time of time logging, but after recording, the system may define it as overtime or even split the record into more than one time for each hour type.
Activity: Indicator of the activity performed by the agent. The system always suggests as initial content of the field the last activity that was selected by the agent.
Value: value related to the type of activity indicated. Filling is automatic and occurs according to the time and hour type indicated. The definition of activity values is done at the time of its registration in Settings > Markings > Activities.
Options: buttons to delete an already informed line or to add new ones if necessary. In the same action, you can inform as many worked times as necessary, even if they were performed on different dates or with different activities.

After recording the action

When the action is recorded in the ticket, if there is any time informed, an icon will be displayed next to that action number to access the times logged in it.

By clicking on the report icon, a screen will be displayed with all the times logged in the action.

From that screen, if the user has permission to edit times in the time management screen, an icon will be displayed allowing to edit or delete the logged time. 

If the time has been saved in any service report, editing or deleting it will not be allowed. For this, delete the service report that was issued and then be able to edit the worked time.

In the ticket options

In the ticket options menu, there is a call Markings. From that option, a screen will be displayed with all the times that have already been worked on the ticket.

In this option, it will only be possible to visualize the timelines of that ticket.

If you need a report of the times worked in that ticket, select the Service Report option from the ticket options menu.

A screen will be displayed to generate a report of the times worked in the ticket, similar to the one presented in the actions, where you can edit or delete any registered time that has not yet been sent to a service report.

Note that this option will only be available if the user has permission to edit the times worked on that ticket. If the user does not have permission, they will only be able to view the timelines they have permission to view.

To issue the report, select the Service Report option. The system will display a screen with a report similar to a preview of the report.


How to mark in the system that the report has been issued:

To register that the report has been issued, return to the worked times screen and at the top of the screen, the system will provide a field to inform the report date and another for the signature if it has been signed. At this time, the report will be "closed".

This means that no more edits or deletions of times that have already been included in that report will be allowed. At this time, the timeline registered in that report will change its status to "Reported".

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