In this article, you will learn about macros and how to use them.
A macro is an important tool for automating tasks when opening or handling a ticket. Whenever you have an action that repeats with some frequency, consider creating a macro.
Macros are templates that can be used by the agent in responding to or opening a ticket. All fields of the ticket can be filled out or modified by the macro, allowing the creation of ticket models and patterns.
Who can manage macros
All agents who have the Allow creating personal macros or Allow creating shared macros parameters checked in their access profile can edit macros. Shared macros have three options: with all teams, with the following teams, and with the following agents.
How to manage your macros
In the Main tab of the system, go to the Settings option. In the left menu, locate the Automation group and then the Macros option.
Through this screen, you can edit existing macros or create new ones. It is also possible to clone an existing macro.
How to clone a macro
In the macro list, simply select the macro you want to clone and then choose the clone selected macro option in the options block of the list.
Cloning a macro can be important if you want to perform an action similar to one already configured in the system without having to go through the entire macro creation process. Once cloned, you can freely modify what is necessary in the new macro.
Registering a macro
Registering a macro consists of two basic steps. The first is to define the type of sharing for the macro and the second is the actions that this macro will perform.
Sharing a macro
There are two basic types of macros. Personal macros and shared macros. Personal macros will be available only to the agent who created them, while shared macros can be used by other agents.
Note that one type of sharing or the other may not be available depending on your access level to Movidesk.
The actions
Actions are the changes that will be made to the ticket when the macro is applied by the agent. All fields of a ticket, except the customer, can be automated through the use of the macro.
A macro can perform one or more actions. See the list of available actions:
Action | Comment |
Change ticket type | Changes the definition of whether the ticket is public or internal |
Change status | Changes the status or justification of the ticket |
Change service | Changes the service of the ticket |
Change category | Changes the category of the ticket |
Change urgency | Changes the urgency of the ticket |
Change responsible | Changes the responsible person for the ticket |
Set subject | Changes the subject of the ticket |
Include TAGs | Adds TAGs to the ticket |
Set TAGs | Removes existing TAGs and adds new ones |
Remove TAGs | Removes all TAGs from the ticket |
Set action text | Inserts a specific text into the content of the action.
After applying a macro with this field, it is necessary to confirm the saving of the action in the ticket. |
Set action type | Changes the type of the action being included.
After applying a macro with this field, it is necessary to confirm the saving of the action in the ticket. |
Set action attachments | Inserts files attached to the action being included.
After applying a macro with this field, it is necessary to confirm the saving of the action in the ticket. |
Defining action text
One of the most important actions of the macro is the creation of standard texts that can be used in tickets.
All text characteristics can be customized, from font formatting or color to the content itself, and what gives a great power of customization are dynamic variables.
In addition to texts, it is possible to add images and videos to compose the description of the action.
⚠️Attention: Videos in macros should be hosted on public platforms, like YouTube. Otherwise, an error will occur.
Dynamic Variables (Place holders)
Dynamic variables are regular expressions that can be included in the action. When the macro is executed, they are replaced by the corresponding value in the ticket. Dynamic variables can be used in the actions of Set Subject and Set Action Text.
To include dynamic variables, simply type the key {. After that, the system will display the list of all available dynamic variables.
Variable | Description | | Ticket number |
ticket.type | Ticket type (Public/Internal) |
ticket.openchannel | Channel where the ticket was opened (Email, via system by Customer, via system by Agent) |
ticket.receivedin | Email account where the ticket was received |
ticket.status | Ticket status |
ticket.statusbase | Base status of the ticket |
ticket.justification | Ticket justification |
ticket.category | Ticket category |
ticket.urgency | Ticket urgency |
ticket.url | URL for direct access to the ticket |
ticket.tags | Ticket tags |
ticket.subject | Ticket subject |
ticket.actioncount | Number of ticket actions |
ticket.opendate | Ticket opening date |
ticket.closedate | Ticket completion date |
ticket.lastactionregistrationdate | Date of the last action registration | | Client name |
ticket.client.hierachical | Client organization |
ticket.client.profile | Whether the client is a person, company, or department |
ticket.client.persontype | Whether the client is an agent or a customer |
ticket.client.accessprofile | Client access profile | | Client country | | Client city |
ticket.client.state | Client state | | Name of the user who opened the ticket | | User team who opened the ticket |
ticket.generator.hierachical | Organization of the user who opened the ticket |
ticket.generator.profile | Whether the user who opened the ticket is a person, company, or department |
ticket.generator.persontype | Whether the user who opened the ticket is an agent or customer |
ticket.generator.accessprofile | User access profile | | User country | | User city |
ticket.generator.state | User state | | Name of the ticket owner | | Team(s) of the ticket owner |
ticket.owner.type | Whether the ticket owner is an Agent or a Team |
ticket.owner.hierachical | Organization of the ticket owner |
ticket.owner.profile | Whether the ticket owner is a person, company, or department |
ticket.owner.persontype | Whether the ticket owner is an agent or customer |
ticket.owner.accessprofile | Access profile of the ticket owner | | Owner country | | Owner city |
ticket.owner.state | Owner state | | Date of the first ticket action inclusion |
ticket.firstaction.description | Description of the first ticket action |
ticket.firstaction.number | Number of the first ticket action. Will always be 1 |
ticket.firstaction.type | Whether the first ticket action is public or internal | | Name of the user who included the first ticket action | | Team of the user who included the first ticket action |
ticket.firstaction.generator.hierachical | Organization of the user who included the first ticket action |
ticket.firstaction.generator.profile | Whether the user who included the first ticket action is a person, company, or department |
ticket.firstaction.generator.persontype | Whether the user who included the first ticket action is an agent or customer |
ticket.firstaction.generator.accessprofile | Access profile of the user who included the first ticket action | | User country who included the first ticket action | | User city who included the first ticket action |
ticket.firstaction.generator.state | User state who included the first ticket action |
ticket.firstaction.attachements | Files attached to the first ticket action |
ticket.firstaction.receivedin | Email account where the first ticket action was received | | Date of the action being included or edited |
ticket.lastaction.description | Description of the action being included or edited |
ticket.lastaction.number | Number of the action being included or edited |
ticket.lastaction.type | Whether the action being included or edited is public or internal | | Name of the user who included or edited the action | | Team(s) of the user who included or edited the action |
ticket.lastaction.generator.hierachical | Organization of the user who included or edited the action |
ticket.lastaction.generator.profile | Whether the user who included or edited the action is a person, company, or department |
ticket.lastaction.generator.persontype | Whether the user who included or edited the action is an agent or customer |
ticket.lastaction.generator.accessprofile | Access profile of the user who included or edited the action | | User country who included or edited the action | | User city who included or edited the action |
ticket.lastaction.generator.state | User state who included or edited the action |
ticket.lastaction.attachements | Files attached to the action being included or edited |
ticket.lastaction.receivedin | Email account where the action being included or edited was received | | Your company name |
tenant.url | URL for access to your Movidesk |
Using a Macro
After registering your macros, you will be able to access them when opening a ticket or editing an already opened ticket. To do this, go to the Options menu located in the blue top bar of the ticket. In this menu, select the Apply Macro option.
After selecting the Apply Macro option, a new window will open with a list of all available macros. Macros that you use frequently can be marked as favorites through the icon. Note that favorites are listed first in the macro list. Next come the macros that are not marked as favorites, always in alphabetical order.
If you click on a macro, all the actions executed by it will be displayed in detail. To apply the macro to the ticket, you can use the icon next to the macro name or the button Apply in the page footer.
When Macro Actions Will Be Saved to the Ticket
If you are opening a new ticket, you will always have to click the button available on the ticket opening screen. Even if you have applied the macro, the ticket will only be effectively opened when you click the save button.