08 - How to allow customers to remove copy emails (Ccs) from the ticket
5 min
Created by Thiago Tamanini on 10/19/2020 12:13 PM
Updated by Karine Moreira on 9/16/2024 11:53 AM

It is possible to allow customers to remove CCed emails from a ticket through access profile settings.

This way, you ensure more security and freedom for your customer, so that only those who need to receive the ticket's email updates will follow them.

There are two ways to allow your customers to remove CCed emails.

In this article, you will see:

Remove CCed emails via the Movidesk panel

You can customize this setting in Settings > Access Profiles.

Here, select the customer's access profile you would like to change, go to the "Tickets" tab, and enable the option "Allow the customer to edit CCed addresses in the customer panel".

With this option enabled, the customer will be able to add or remove CCed addresses from the ticket.


Removing the CCed email from the ticket

With the parameter enabled, access the desired ticket and remove the CCed email in the "Cc" field by clicking the - next to the email address.

Remove via email client

To remove CCs when replying to a ticket via email, the Movidesk sender account must be configured to send a single email to all recipients of the message. Otherwise, each recipient will receive a unique email and will not have access to the other CCed emails.

This account setting can be found in Settings > Email > Accounts, select the desired account, and it will be under the "Main" tab. It is customizable for each address.

If you want your customers to be able to remove addresses by taking them out of the Cc field in Gmail or Outlook, you need to activate another option in Access Profiles.

To do this, go to Settings > People > Access Profiles and select the desired profile.

On this screen, go to the "Tickets" tab and enable the option "Allow the customer to remove CCed addresses when updating a ticket via email".

With this feature, when the customer responds to a ticket by removing an address from the Cc field, that address will be removed from the ticket and will no longer receive further interactions.

I accidentally removed all CCed emails. Now what?

If all CCed emails were removed in a single action, the system will send an email to the address that made the removal, informing them about the case.

So, if you want to re-add the CCed emails, click Restore emails in the email sent by the system.

You will be redirected to a Movidesk page that will show which emails were associated with the ticket and that the system will include in the ticket again.

To add the emails, click Add emails to the ticket.

Once this is done, your ticket will have the CCed emails again, and they will resume receiving further ticket actions.

This email link expires in 48 hours and cannot be reused.

Additional information

  • Requesters cannot be removed through the Cc. Even if they are removed from the email, they will continue to receive ticket interactions until they are changed by the agent;
  • All email changes are recorded in the ticket history;
  • Any email associated with the ticket can remove the Cc, provided they have permission to do so in the access profile. Example: three email addresses were added as CC. If one of them wants to remove the other, they can do so through their own email, as long as the permissions to edit and remove CCed emails are enabled in their profile.
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