03 - Which tickets do I have by service?
3 min
Created by Marileia Barboza dos Santos on 8/3/2023 2:08 PM
Updated by Karine Moreira on 9/24/2024 3:34 PM
-Ticket Summary by Service
With the ticket report by service, we can get a quantitative view of all tickets for the period, grouped by service, status, and SLA deadlines.

Report Overview
To view your report, go to the Movidesk Sidebar Menu -> Icon icone.png-> Reports.

Allow Report Access
If the report is not available in the reports tab, it will be necessary to enable it within your access profile. Click on Settings -> People -> Access Profile -> In the Reports tab, enable the parameter "Allow viewing the ticket summary by service report":

Filters and Periods
By default, the period indicated in the report will always be the current month, but the period can be adjusted, respecting a one-year interval between the indicated periods.
Based on the period, we can indicate in the report if we want to obtain the total number of tickets by service, with the option to segment by service levels. Additionally, there is the option to add more filters to get the desired data.
Export Data 
After applying the desired filter, it is possible to export the data to spreadsheets in the .csv (Google Sheets and other applications) or .xls (Excel 97 and newer versions),  formats via Movidesk Processing Center.

Generate Report
When clicking on "Generate Report," a pop-up will be displayed with two options: 
  • Generate the Report on screen, an option that displays the data on the screen, without the need to create a file with the data. We emphasize that the on-screen data return may vary depending on the period and selected filters. Therefore, we recommend exporting via the Processing Center to view the data in Excel or Google Sheets;
  • Export data via the Processing Center, by selecting this option you can choose from the available formats to generate the report. Through the Center, you can download when the file is available.

When clicking on "Generate on screen," all registered services will be displayed on the screen, with columns indicating if the tickets are within the deadline, past the deadline, or without SLA, as well as the total number of tickets meeting the report filters.

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