Internal message
12 min
Created by Rafael Kormann on 1/25/2017 8:53 AM
Updated by Karine Moreira on 9/20/2024 2:45 PM
    Messages enable communication between system agents, facilitating communication among them and consequently speeding up internal ticket handling. It is possible to send messages both from the messages menu and directly from the ticket, keeping the conversation history associated and giving the recipient the ability to easily access the originating ticket. Their triggers can also be adjusted to send messages instead of emails to agents. In this way, notifications stay within Movidesk, without the need to check your email inbox.
Message Sending Permissions
    These permissions are assigned by the system administrator. In addition to allowing (or not) message sending, it is also possible to define who this agent can send messages to (whether only to agents of the same team or to any agent) and whom they can view the internal message history from (whether only their own, only from agents of the same team, or from all agents). To make these settings, go to Settings > People > Access Profiles.
    Within access profiles, select the profile to which you want to assign the permissions. In this example, we will assign the permissions to the "Agents" profile.
    Once you have accessed the profile, select the "Chat and Internal Messages" tab, scroll to the "Internal Messages" menu, and assign or deny permissions as desired.
    After defining the permissions, simply click on the "Save" option to ensure the settings are saved in the system.
IMPORTANT: Since the permissions settings for this feature are based on the access profile, all agents with the relevant profile will be included within the defined rules.
The Messages Menu 
    The messages menu can be accessed from the main page of the system by clicking on the "Messages" option, located on the left side of the screen. From this menu, you can send a new message (including the possibility of sending attachments and/or a copy via email), view your inbox, create folders, search for messages, delete and/or archive messages. The layout is easy to understand, resembling a standard email inbox, facilitating the management of your messages, as shown in the image below.
    1. New Message - Use this option to compose a new message. Clicking this alternative will redirect you to the message composition screen, where you can type your text without a character limit.
    In addition to typing text, you can attach files and paste images directly into the message content. This feature also includes text editing tools, allowing greater customization of your messages. 
    Selecting a recipient is very simple; just click on the "To" field and the enabled recipients will be listed, allowing you to click to select them or type normally. You can also send a message to all contacts enabled for your access profile. 
    2. Inbox - Shows all your received messages and allows you to sort them by sender, ticket number (if any), subject, date, and attachments.
    3. Sent - Shows all your sent messages and allows you to sort them by recipient, ticket number (if any), subject, date, and attachments.
    4. Archived - Shows all your archived messages and allows you to sort them by sender, ticket number (if any), subject, date, and attachments.
    5. Add Folder - On the + next to "Archived", allows you to create a new folder listed below the archived messages folder.
    6. Deleted - Shows all your deleted messages and allows you to sort them by sender, ticket number (if any), subject, date, and attachments.
    7. Simple Search - Allows you to perform a simple search of your messages. Just type a keyword into the search box and then click on the magnifying glass (or press the enter key on your keyboard).
    8. Search Filters - By clicking on the filter attached to the search field, you can perform a more detailed search of your messages, with the ability to filter by multiple pieces of information.
    9. Remove Search Filters - Allows for greater efficiency by clearing search fields with just one click.
    10. Show inbox of - This option will only be displayed for agents whose access profile has the parameter "Allow viewing of internal message history sent" checked as "From all agents" (which will allow them to view all message folders from all agents), or "Only from agents of the same team" (which will allow them to view all message folders only from agents of the same team). If the option defined in the access profile is "Only yours", this field will not be displayed. 
    To view another agent's message folders, simply click on this option and select the desired agent.
Sending a message from a ticket

    Sending messages is not restricted only to the messages menu. It is also possible to send messages from an open ticket, so that the message (or the conversation, if there is a reply) is linked to the ticket. Since the message is internal, its content will not be visible to clients.
    The procedure for sending a message through a ticket is very simple. Just access the ticket in question and in "Options", select "Send internal message".
    After selecting the option, a field for typing the message will appear on the screen, replacing the action description field. Select the recipient, provide the subject (which by default will be the same as the ticket’s, but can be changed), and write your message (in messages sent from tickets, in addition to sending attachments, you can search for articles in your knowledge base and send them as links).
 Important: When selecting the option "Send a copy by email", the sender will be the oldest account that is not the default, meaning if the oldest account is the default, the second oldest account will be used for sending.
    Once done, click on "Send internal message" and the message will be linked to the ticket.
    At the same time the message is linked to the ticket, the recipient is notified about the receipt of a new message. It is possible to check for new messages both through the home page and in the system’s top bar (notified by the "bell icon").
    The message can be replied to both on the ticket screen and directly from the messages inbox. When viewing the message within the inbox, note that the system displays the ticket number in the message grid and also as a link in the message header, making it easier to view the ticket.
    To compose your reply, simply click on the option "Reply" and you will be redirected to the message sending screen.
    Type your message as usual and then click "Send message"
    Notice that the reply was automatically linked to the ticket.
 Sending a message from a trigger
    Internal messages can also be sent automatically from trigger configurations. These replace, for example, the use of email triggers for agents, providing better control over information, as the system administrator can review all message inboxes of all agents.
    Triggers for sending internal messages are easy to configure. In the following example, let’s assume that the support coordinator wants to have better control over the tickets resolved by their team, being automatically notified through internal messages each time a new ticket is resolved by support.
    We created a trigger (Settings > Automation > Triggers) named "Message - Ticket resolved by support".
    We set that whenever the "Ticket: Responsible: Teams" (i.e., the team responsible for the ticket) is "Equal to" "Support" and the "Ticket: Status" is "Changed to" "Resolved".
    ... Then, the trigger action will be "Send message" from the "Ticket Owner" to a "Specific Agent", which in this case, is the support coordinator.
TIP: Use placeholders to add more dynamism to your messages. You can also change and combine various sender and recipient options to perfectly meet your needs.
    Having completed and saved the trigger configuration, let’s see a demonstration of its practical application according to the settings made previously.
    After processing the ticket, the support team agent (Thitos) logged the action and changed the status to "Resolved".
    Note that the instant the ticket status was changed to "Resolved," the trigger condition was activated, and the message was sent and attached to the ticket.
    The message was delivered to the recipient's inbox (in this case, the support coordinator), informing that ticket "98" was resolved by agent "Thitos".
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