Importing people
9 min
Created by Heloisa Kopsch Hendges on 2/16/2017 11:33 AM
Updated by Karine Moreira on 9/17/2024 4:01 PM

Movidesk allows you to automate the registration of people, who are your clients or agents. By using the import feature, we can associate companies with the people linked to each company.
It is important to understand the Movidesk workflow related to this registration before importing people. Click here for a detailed explanation of how the registration process works.
Important: For performance reasons and to avoid data overload, Movidesk imports only the first 1,000 people from the file. If your data set is larger, you will need to generate a file for every thousand people and repeat the import process for each file. Nothing after a blank line will be read.
To import people, go to Settings > People > Import people.
Below are the layout instructions for filling out the spreadsheet to be used for the import.
To download the layout, click here.
Attention: If you plan to hire the migration of data from another HelpDesk system to Movidesk, it is necessary to fill in the Cod. Ref field with the same identification code used in your previous system, to avoid any duplication of records after the migration is performed by our team. The migration team is not responsible for any duplicate records caused by a mismatch in the Cod. Ref.
💡 Tip: When formatting the Type and Profile columns in your spreadsheet, use only plain or automatic text numbers. To avoid errors, do not use commas, punctuation, or other formats.
Column Type Size Required Description
Type number 1 Type of person. Person = 1, Company = 2, or Department = 4.
Profile number 1 Profile type. Agent = 1, Client = 2, or Agent and Client = 3.
Trading name text 128 Trade name for companies or Name for individuals and departments.
Legal Name text 128 * Legal name. * Mandatory field when the entity is a company and the Trade name is not provided.
Username text 64   Username field. Must be unique. Required field when a domain for authentication other than Movidesk is provided.
Password text 32   Password field.
CPF / CNPJ text 14   CPF (11 digits) for individuals, CNPJ (14 digits) for companies, and not applicable for departments.
Ref. Code text 64   Unique identifier for the person. It will be used to determine if the person will be updated or ignored, depending on the settings. When hiring data migration services from another HelpDesk system to Movidesk, this field must be filled with the same identification code used in the previous system.
Additional Ref. Code text 64   Additional Ref. Code field. Non-mandatory, but unique identifier for the person.
Access Profile text 128 Access Profile field. Must be a profile already registered in Movidesk.
Classification text 128   Person classification. If a non-existing classification is provided, it will be created.
Job Title text 128   Person's job title. If a non-existing job title is provided, it will be created.
Supervisor text 64   Existing Ref. Code of the person's supervisor.
Email Type text 128 * Email type e.g. (Personal, Professional, etc.). If an unknown type is provided, it will be created. It is mandatory when the Email column is filled.
Email text 128   Person's email, must be a valid email.
Contact type text 128 * Contact type e.g. (Phone, Mobile, Skype, etc.). If an unknown type is provided, it will be created. It is mandatory when the Contact column is filled.
Contact text 128   Description e.g. (11) 9999-9999.
Address type text 128 * Address type (Commercial, Residential, etc.). If an unknown type is provided, it will be created. It is mandatory when any column related to the address is filled.
Country text 128   Country name.
Postal Code text 32   Postal Code.
State text 128   State.
City text 128   City.
Neighborhood text 128   Neighborhood.
Street text 128   Street name e.g. Rua Joinville.
Number text 32   Number.
Additional Info text 128   Additional info e.g. Room 201.
Reference text 128   Reference point, e.g., Near the university.
Team text 128 * Team name. *When the person’s profile type is Agent, it is mandatory to provide the team.
Organization text 128 * Existing reference code for the company or department the person belongs to. *It may be mandatory (if configured to be) when the person type is Person and the profile type is Client.
SLA Contract text 128   SLA contract used by the client. It must be an SLA contract already registered in Movidesk.
Remarks text -   Remarks.
Active text 3 Yes to enable the person and No to disable them.
Time zone text 64 * Person's time zone in the IANA standard. Example for Brasília time zone: America/Sao_Paulo. *If not provided, the system administrator’s time zone will be used.
Language text 32 * Person's language in the Microsoft CultureCode standard. Example for Brazilian Portuguese: pt-BR. *If not provided, the system administrator’s language will be used.
Authenticate in text -   If directory authentication is enabled and the person authenticates in a different domain from Movidesk, the server and domain already registered in the system must be informed. Example: hostmyserverad\domainmyserverad
Important: To avoid possible errors when importing the file to Movidesk, we recommend clearing the spreadsheet formatting.

Example of a correctly filled layout attached.