Category: 02 - General Settings

Results found: 14

07 - Workflow

         Workflow is a feature that enables the automation of processes either fully or partially, where activities are transferred from one participant to another, so that actions can be taken according to a set of rules and procedures, enhancing them through two intrinsic components: technology an

01 - Service Catalog

 In this article, you will learn how to configure and consult services. The service catalog is a resource that allows you to clearly organize the activities performed by your company.  This video shows the step-by-step process and parameters for configuring services in your Movidesk base.  

03 - How to use statuses in tickets

In this article, learn how to use and configure ticket statuses in Movidesk. Statuses are essential for managing the lifecycle of a ticket, helping to organize, prioritize, and track services. Each ticket must have a status, indicating its current situation. In addition to the default statuses, you

05 - Urgencies

The purpose of urgency is to identify the ticket according to its level of criticality. When you created your Movidesk account, the urgencies Urgent, High, Medium, and Low were created. However, you can create new ones or delete the initially created urgencies. Urgency is a definition that is no

02 - Time tracking

  Being able to control the time worked by the agent on each ticket is essential for many companies, especially those that provide services and charge clients based on hours worked. By default, this module is disabled, but if you want to use it, simply activate a few parameters so that you can trac

06 - Tags

Tags serve as markers, a way to classify tickets. It can be used to identify a situation, such as an email sent or a version type where a problem occurred. In this article, you will see: Parameters for using tags How to create tags Usage example: email notification via trigger Parameters for using

04 - Justifications

The justification is a classification used always in conjunction with the ticket status to determine the reason why the ticket is in that status. As the name itself indicates, it justifies the selection of that status. Normally, the justification is associated with the Stopped status, as it requires

11 - Type of hour

The registration of Hour Type  allows various types of hours for different times of the day. The idea is to be able to define a grid of hours for each hour type. To access the hour type registration, click on the menu Settings > Time Tracking - Hour Type. The hour type registration defaults to Nor

08 - Schedule

The agenda allows you to schedule events in Movidesk. These events can be linked to a ticket, enabling you to keep a history of all interactions on your ticket. Using the Movidesk agenda, you can organize meetings, scheduled maintenance, among other events, with the ability to select people or teams

09 - Expenses

The expense module allows for greater control over additional costs involved in your service. With this feature, it is possible to create units of measure and set standard values for each, so that when a certain quantity of one of these units is entered, the system automatically calculates the amoun