03 - Ticket distribution
5 min
Created by Rafael Frigotto on 11/14/2017 10:39 AM
Updated by Karine Moreira on 9/16/2024 10:42 AM

In this article, you will learn how to set up automatic ticket distribution

Automatic ticket distribution involves assigning tasks equally among each agent on a team. This operation prevents agents from choosing the tickets they will resolve.

You can edit the order of agents for ticket distribution, as well as set exceptions by selecting which agents will (or will not) be part of the automatic distribution. Additionally, you can choose between two distinct methods for configuring the distribution, depending on what is most convenient for you.


How to Configure Automatic Ticket Distribution

To have tickets automatically distributed to a team, you need to go to settings > teams and in the desired team’s record (if you want to enable the feature for more than one team, this procedure must be repeated for each team), check the checkbox enable automatic ticket distribution.

Once the parameter is enabled, the system will display new fields for you to choose the type of distribution to be used for this team.


Types of Distribution

By default, the system will have the sequential distribution option selected, but you can change to balanced distribution if desired. Here’s how each method works:

Sequential Distribution: Sequential distribution assigns the responsibility of tickets following the order defined in the team’s agent list. The system does not perform any analysis before distributing tickets when the sequential mode is selected.

Balanced Distribution: Balanced distribution also respects the order of agents defined in the team list, however, the system will prioritize equal ticket distribution among agents, trying to keep all agents with the same number of pending tickets. Thus, in some cases, the immediate sequence in the list may be ignored to assign a ticket to an agent with fewer demands compared to others.

Ignored Statuses: This option only appears when the balanced distribution is selected. This parameter allows selecting specific statuses that should not be considered for the balanced ticket distribution calculation, i.e., all tickets with statuses predefined in this parameter will be ignored in the ticket count at the time of distribution.
IMPORTANT: By default, the system already ignores completed tickets (with base status equal to resolved, closed, and canceled).


After selecting the desired type of distribution, check the order of ticket distribution for the team and, if desired, change it by clicking on the icone reord.png icon next to the agents and dragging it to the desired position. Still in the list of team agents, you can remove certain agents from distribution (if you choose to check this parameter for any agent, they will remain linked to the team but will not be considered for automatic ticket distribution).


ATTENTION: By default, whenever a new agent is added to a team with active automatic distribution, they will be placed at the end of the queue and will be enabled to receive tickets automatically distributed by the system.



In addition to the two types of distribution, you can select two priority checkbox options that are, by default, disabled.

Prioritize Distribution for Agents Who Are Online: By selecting this parameter, the system will adopt an order of criteria for distribution. The order will be as follows:

1. Online Agent

2. Number of Tickets

3. Order Defined in Distribution

Prioritize Distribution for Agents Who Already Have Ongoing Tickets from the Same Requester: Allows directing tickets to an agent who is already responsible for a ticket from the same requester.

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