05 - Urgencies
6 min
Created by Edson Maestri on 6/11/2016 10:50 PM
Updated by Karine Moreira on 9/16/2024 2:42 PM
The purpose of urgency is to identify the ticket according to its level of criticality. When you created your Movidesk account, the urgencies Urgent, High, Medium, and Low were created. However, you can create new ones or delete the initially created urgencies.

Urgency is a definition that is normally tied to the ticket category, so the available urgencies will only appear on the ticket after selecting the category.

Who can manage the urgency registration
All agents who have the Allow urgency registration parameter checked in their access profile can edit urgencies. This parameter is in the settings block on the access profiles screen.

Some important parameters regarding urgency

The urgency information on the ticket is optional, and you can specify via access profile whether customers can report urgency when opening tickets and if they can view the urgency of their pending tickets.

Usually, urgency is an internal classification of the ticket and is not available to customers, but this is a definition that can be altered depending on your business characteristics.

If the parameters are unchecked, the customer will not have access to the urgency information of the ticket.

Similarly, there is also a parameter in the agent's access profile that determines whether the agent can or cannot indicate urgency in their tickets.

How to manage urgencies
In the Main tab of the system, go to the Settings option. In the left menu, locate the Classification group and then the Urgencies

Through this screen, you can edit your urgency registration, modifying existing items or even creating new ones.

Registering Urgencies

When registering an urgency, in addition to defining a name for it, you will have the following parameter:

Available for tickets: Determines whether the urgency will be available only for public tickets, only for internal tickets, or for all tickets. This definition allows you to create variations of your urgency list to use in public or internal tickets.

After registering an urgency, check your category registry. For categories with the Allow all urgencies parameter checked, the new urgency will automatically appear in tickets of that category. However, if the parameter is unchecked, you will need to include the new urgency in the list of selected urgencies for the category.

Attention:  The display of urgencies, when used in the default format, are ordered alphabetically, not maintaining the standard urgency order.

To have the ordering follow a visualization pattern according to urgency levels, it is necessary to enumerate or classify as shown below:

Due to the various business models that Movidesk encompasses, this is an open field for editing and does not come by default with classification, leaving it free for the client to configure in the way that best fits their operation.
Using Urgency

After registering your urgencies, you will be able to access them when opening a ticket or editing a ticket that is already open.

In Trigger and SLA Contract Configuration
Urgency will be available as a filter option within the trigger conditions and SLA contract rules.

In Ticket Opening and Editing

Urgency will be available when opening tickets for agents and customers who have permission to indicate urgency at the time of opening. It will be located right after the category field. 

In Ticket Viewing
In ticket viewing, in addition to urgency being available in the composition of conditions, exactly as mentioned above regarding triggers and SLA contracts, you will also have the urgency field available as a column for ticket viewing.

In Indicators

In the indicators module, in addition to urgency being available in the composition of conditions, exactly as mentioned above regarding triggers and SLA contracts, you will also have the following graphs available to include in your dashboard:

  • Tickets by urgency: Displays the number of tickets opened in the period grouped by urgency.
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