04 - Justifications
7 min
Created by Edson Maestri on 6/11/2016 10:56 PM
Updated by Karine Moreira on 9/16/2024 2:37 PM

The justification is a classification used always in conjunction with the ticket status to determine the reason why the ticket is in that status. As the name itself indicates, it justifies the selection of that status. Normally, the justification is associated with the Stopped status, as it requires a detailed explanation of why the ticket is pending. However, you can create justifications for any status in the system. For example, you can create reasons to identify why a ticket was canceled.

When your Movidesk account was created, we already suggested some justifications, but depending on your business area, they might not make sense. In that case, we recommend that you access the justification registration and replace the existing ones with those that are more coherent for your company.

Who can manage the justification registration

All agents who have the Allow justification registration parameter in their access profile can edit the justification registration. This parameter is located in the configuration block on the access profiles screen.


Some important parameters regarding justification

What can make selecting a justification mandatory is a parameter in the Status registration. If the status is configured to require the selection of a justification, you will not be able to choose that status only from the status list; you will have to choose the justification that is below it. However, if the parameter is unchecked in the status registration, even if that status has justifications below it, you will be able to select only the status without specifying the justification.

Another configuration is in the client access profile, where there is a setting on whether they can or cannot view the justification of the ticket after it is opened. Normally, this parameter remains checked so that the client can stay informed about the status of their ticket.


How to manage the justification registration

On the Main tab of the system, go to the Settings option. In the left menu, locate the Classification group and then the Justifications option.

Through this screen, you can edit your justifications by changing the existing ones or creating new ones.


Registering Justifications 


When registering a justification, in addition to defining a name for it, you will have some important parameters at your disposal. They are:

Available for tickets: Determines if the justification will be available only for public tickets, only for internal tickets, or for all tickets. This setting allows you to create variations of your justification list for use in public or internal tickets.

Status: In this step, you will need to select which statuses this justification applies to. A single justification can be associated with more than one status, being displayed in all statuses associated with the justification.

You will be required to select at least one status for each justification.


Using the justification

The justification is widely used in various screens of the system, always along with the status list. Conditions for triggers, searches, and filters are some of the places where you can use the justification.


In trigger configuration

Options to filter by justification will be available as a filter option within the trigger conditions. In addition to being available as a search condition, you can also use the justification in actions.


In the macro

One of the possible actions to be used in macros is the action to change the ticket justification. Through this feature, it is possible to create a template that automates the task of changing the ticket justification.

Note that in the system's default macros, there is one called Client does not respond, which suggests text for the action and automatically changes the ticket status to Stopped and the justification to Waiting for customer response.


In the SLA module

An important application of justification in the SLA module is to define the rule for pausing tickets. Normally, when the ticket is in the Stopped status and with the justification Waiting for customer response, the deadline for completing the ticket will be paused and will only resume when the customer responds.


In ticket creation and editing

The justification will be available in ticket creation and editing for agents. It will be located next to the statuses, in the upper right corner of the screen.

In ticket visualization

In ticket visualization, in addition to the justification being available in the composition of conditions, exactly like what we mentioned earlier about triggers, you will also have the justification field available as a column for ticket visualization.

It is also possible to perform a filter by justification in the quick search field of the ticket list.


In the Indicators

In the indicators module, justification will be available in the composition of conditions, exactly like what we mentioned earlier about triggers.

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