04 - Registering a rule within the SLA Contract
6 min
Created by Thiago Tamanini on 10/9/2020 12:41 PM
Updated by Karine Moreira on 9/24/2024 3:48 PM

The SLA module in Movidesk manages deadlines for ticket response and resolution.

Main Definitions:


Rules define criteria and settings to determine ticket due dates, considering different scenarios. A contract can contain multiple rules.

To create a rule, access a registered contract and, on the Rules tab, click the + icon.

Rule Structure

The configuration is similar to triggers. Define a name for the rule and the conditions it should follow.

⚠️ Attention: Unlike triggers, it is not necessary to define a firing condition (action). If no conditions are set, all tickets using the contract will follow this rule.

Example: Creating a Rule by Service

Imagine the standard deadline for ticket resolution is 10 hours, except for invoice issuance, which has a deadline of 2 hours. In this case, you can create two rules:

  • Rule without condition and with a solution time of 10 hours.
  • Rule with the condition "Service = Invoice Issuance" and a time of 2 hours.

The system will apply the rule with the shortest deadline, in this case, the 2-hour rule.

Example: Creating a Rule by Urgency

You can differentiate rules based on ticket urgency. Example:

  • High: solution in 5 hours.
  • Urgent: solution in 1 hour.

Create a rule for each urgency level used in the system.

Service Hours

In the Service Hours tab, define whether the SLA will use business hours or calendar hours:

  • Business hours: Considers only the working hours defined in the company's calendar specified in Parameters.
  • Calendar hours: Considers all hours, including weekends and holidays.

⚠️ Attention: If the SLA rule is set to calendar hours, the system will count all time as business time, with no distinction between working hours and off-hours. This may cause business-hour triggers to fire earlier than expected.

Within a contract, it is possible to have rules that follow business hours and others that do not, depending on the needs.

Example: Difference between Business and Calendar Hours

Imagine a ticket opened on Friday at 8 PM, with a 2-hour SLA:

  • Calendar hours: the due time will be Friday at 10 PM.
  • Business hours: the due time will be Monday at 10 AM, as the workday was interrupted on Friday at 6 PM and resumes on Monday at 8 AM.


In the Holidays tab, define which holidays will be considered for SLA calculation. If using calendar hours, holidays will not be considered.

The system already provides some pre-configured holidays, but new ones can be added in Settings > Account > Holidays.

⚠️ Attention: Disabled holidays remain in the rule but are not considered in SLA calculation. If removed, they will no longer appear in the rules.

SLA Pauses

In the SLA Pauses tab, define if the SLA should be automatically paused when the ticket is in a specific status or justification.

⚠️ Attention: When registering a new status or justification, it is necessary to add it to the rule if you want it to pause the SLA.

Movidesk allows pausing the SLA when the ticket depends on an external factor, such as customer response, but the decision to pause or not the deadline is at the user's discretion.

SLA Deadlines

In the SLA tab, define the deadlines for first response and ticket resolution. You can also limit the number of public actions by the agent until the ticket is closed, recommending that this limit be 1, following the FCR (First Call Resolution) concept.

💡Tip: The time defined, whether for first response or resolution, will always be in hours.

In the SLA tab, define the deadlines for first response and ticket resolution. You can also limit the number of public actions by the agent until the ticket is closed, recommending that this limit be 1, following the FCR (First Call Resolution) concept.

💡Tip: The time defined, whether for first response or resolution, will always be in hours.