Movidesk has several indicators to facilitate the analysis of Solution SLA data. Check out some of them below:
- Main indicators
- Pending tickets by due date
- Ticket resolution indicator by due date
- Ticket resolution indicator by team and due date
- Ticket resolution indicator by agent and due date
- Resolved tickets by due date - Bars
- Resolved tickets by due date - Pie
- Resolved tickets by team and due date
- Resolved tickets by agent and due date
- Resolved and closed tickets by SLA compliance
Main indicators
In the main indicators report, there is a line showing the number of tickets resolved on time and another showing the number resolved outside the deadline.
Pending tickets by due date
Displays the number of pending tickets at the end of the period, grouped by due date situation (Upcoming, overdue, due today, on hold, and not specified).
Ticket resolution indicator by due date
Displays the number of tickets resolved during the period, grouped by due date situation (Upcoming, overdue, due today, on hold, and not specified).
Ticket resolution indicator by team and due date
Displays the number of tickets resolved during the period, grouped by the team of the agent who resolved the ticket and by due date situation (Upcoming, overdue, due today, on hold, and not specified).
Ticket resolution indicator by agent and due date
Displays the number of tickets resolved during the period, grouped by the agent who resolved the ticket and by due date situation (Upcoming, overdue, due today, on hold, and not specified).
Resolved tickets by due date - Bars
Number of tickets resolved on time, overdue, and not due during the period.
Resolved tickets by due date - Pie
Number of tickets resolved on time, overdue, and not due during the period.
Resolved tickets by team and due date
Number of tickets resolved on time, overdue, and not due during the period, grouped by team.
Resolved tickets by agent and due date
Number of tickets resolved on time, overdue, and not due during the period, grouped by agent.
Resolved and closed tickets by SLA compliance
Total number of tickets resolved and closed during the period (bars) in relation to the SLA. This indicator provides a more detailed view at the FCR level. It is possible to analyze how many tickets were completed within the established response limits, how many within the established deadline, and how many within both the deadline and number of responses.