07 - Scheduled ticket opening
8 min
Created by Rafael Kormann on 2/24/2017 10:28 AM
Updated by Karine Moreira on 9/16/2024 11:45 AM
Scheduled ticket creation is another very interesting feature available in your Movidesk. This functionality adds greater dynamism to the system regarding ticket creation, making it perfect for situations with periodically repeated activities, preventing forgetting or even redoing the creation of a new ticket every time the activity is performed. By using scheduled ticket creation, you can define a schedule through the editing of an (already created) ticket, where a ticket exactly like the original one will be automatically generated within the periods you pre-configured.
Assigning Permission for Scheduled Ticket Creation
To grant (or deny) permission for scheduled ticket creation, you will need to perform a quick procedure in the access profiles. To execute the procedure, from the main screen access "Settings" and in the "People" menu, select "Access Profiles". Then, choose the desired access profile. In the example below, we will grant permission to the "Commercial" profile.
On the tickets tab, within the selected profile, simply scroll down to the bottom of the screen where you will find the option "Allow scheduling for automatic ticket creation". Enable this option by checking the checkbox on the left. Then, click the "Save" option, which should be highlighted at the top of the screen.
Configuring Scheduled Ticket Creation
The scheduling of ticket creation is done from a base ticket, meaning you need to use an already created ticket to define a pattern to be followed by the subsequent ones. The first step is to choose an existing ticket or create a new ticket.
     After selecting the ticket that will serve as a model for the following ones (with scheduled creation), within the view screen of the ticket, click on "Options" and then select the "Schedule Automatic Creation" option.
     A new window will appear on the screen with the option "Activate Automatic Creation of a Copy of This Ticket".
     Enable this option, and the system will present options for scheduling ticket creation. You will be able to choose the frequency of this ticket creation, with options to choose "Do not repeat", "Daily", "Weekly", or "Monthly". For each of these options, you can further configure specific settings and set a deadline for this periodic creation.
Do not repeat - The ticket will be reopened only once, at the predetermined date and time, without this process being repeated again.
Daily - You can determine how many days apart the ticket will be reopened.
Weekly - You can set how many weeks apart the ticket will be reopened, as well as the day of the week on which this will occur.
Monthly - You can specify which months and days the ticket will be reopened, including the option to reopen it on the last day of each month.
     In the following example, we are configuring the ticket to be reopened every day until the deadline of 30/06/2017, at 11:51 AM. See.
     Note that the deadline for repeating the schedule is optional. If you do not find it necessary, just leave the check box "Repeat until" unchecked. Still on the scheduled creation screen, using the scroll bar downwards, you can define "Actions to be copied to the new ticket" (whether all, only the first and last, only the first, only the last, or none) and "Default status of the new ticket" (allowing you to configure a specific status whenever this ticket is opened). 
     After configuring the scheduled ticket parameters, simply click "Save" and the procedure will be completed. The automatic scheduling window will close automatically, and the ticket will indicate that it has an active scheduled opening (this information will appear between the ticket subject and the action description field). 
     You will see that the ticket was opened according to the predefined settings. 
Validating Ticket Creation via Automatic Scheduling
     When accessing a ticket, it is easy to verify its origin. Tickets created via automatic scheduling are no different. The system provides this information just below the ticket subject. 
     It is also possible to validate the source ticket from which a ticket created through scheduled opening originated. To do this, after accessing the ticket, click on "Options" (next to the status box) and select "Ticket Details". 
     A new window will open, providing more detailed information about the ticket. Note that the source ticket information includes a hyperlinked ticket number, making it very convenient to refer to the original ticket with just a click.
Listing Tickets with Automatic Scheduling
     The ticket listing screen allows for filtering tickets based on their automatic scheduling. This procedure is quick and easy to execute. Simply click the "arrow" in the ticket search box, scroll down to the end of the options, and in the "View" menu, select the "Tickets with Scheduled Opening" option.
     After that, click "Search". All tickets with scheduled openings (source tickets) will be displayed (note that tickets opened via scheduling will not appear in the results of this filter).
Merging and Deleting Tickets with Scheduled Opening
     To allow an automatically scheduled ticket to be deleted or merged, it is necessary to enable some parameters within the agent's access profile. You can find more information about these procedures in the merging tickets and deleting tickets manuals.
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