12 min
Created by Movidesk on 7/2/2019 4:58 PM
Updated by Karine Moreira on 9/20/2024 3:01 PM

The Pinboard is a fixed panel on the home page that allows you to create a note containing announcements and general news.




Get to know the Pinboard

This tool allows for more direct communication with your audience, whether they are agents or clients, enabling dynamic, fast, and effective contact with ease.

Additionally, you have several configuration options, giving you the freedom to create, schedule, and suspend the publication of a notice.


Who can post notices on the Pinboard?

First, check if the module is enabled under Settings > Parameters > Additional Modules > Use Pinboard Module. By default, only administrators are allowed to create new notices. It is possible to allow other access profiles to also post on the Pinboard. To do this, go to Settings >> Access Profiles. Click on the profile you want to grant permission to. In the Settings tab, navigate to the Pinboard parameter. Here, you can define if the profile in question will be able to create notices only for agents, only for clients, or for both, by selecting the checkboxes. After setting the desired access, click SAVE and the changes will be successfully applied.

How to post a notice?

To create a notice on the Pinboard, you need to click on the new icon in the Movidesk side menu (a correspondence box) titled Messages. Then, click on PinBoard.                       


In the Summary field, you will specify the topic, that is, the headline related to the information you want to convey. The intention here is to be clear and concise, so you should be objective, using the maximum limit of 140 characters. Remember, this is the text that will be highlighted on the Pinboard.

Below the Summary, you add the Content of your notice. In this field, you can insert media files, links, images, and even tables to compose the body of the text.

Additionally, there is the option to add an attachment that will be available for your reader to download. To do this, you need to click on ADD ATTACHMENT and choose the file from your computer.

Below the attachment field, in Settings, under Suspension Date, you can choose to suspend (or not) the notice on a specific date and time.

Once all display settings are complete, click on NEXT and a pop-up for publication will appear, allowing you to choose between publishing immediately or scheduling a date and time for publication.

After selecting your desired option, click on SAVE and your settings will be applied.

Once published, you will receive two notifications: a notification in the browser and the standard notification in the bell icon in the top bar.


How to post notices via email?

To perform this action, you need to go to settings > email > accounts > Or open a new email account by clicking the + icon. On the main tab, ensure that email reception settings are enabled.

With your account set up, still on the main tab, go to the parameter import emails as: TICKETS | NOTICES.

Remember, by default, emails are imported as tickets. To import them as notices, you need to select the notices button.

You can choose to import emails, turning them into notices, from accounts linked to agents, specific senders, any registered account, or any sender.

Additionally, you must choose which boards these notices will be visible on: registered clients, registered agents, or send a copy via email.

It is possible to configure the suspension of notices imported via email by entering the number of days they should remain available before being suspended.

Once configured, all emails arriving at the enabled account will automatically be posted as notices on the board, according to the established settings.

Who can see the notices on the board?

You can control who will see the notices posted on the board. This configuration should be done before posting. After filling out the fields Summary, Content and add Attachments, if applicable, you will find the Settings options regarding the visibility of the posted notice.

In Notice visible on notice boards, you have two advertising options: From registered clients and From registered agents.

Within each of these, you also have a few more options to select in the radio button. In Registered clients , you can choose to: Allow all clients , Allow the following access profiles and Allow the following people . In Registered agents , you also choose one of the previous options and, in addition, have one more possibility which is Allow the following teams .


When you click on Allow the following access profiles , Allow the following people or Allow the following teams , a field will open below the selection where you can choose which profiles, people, or teams will have access to that notification.

You also have the option to send a copy of the notification by email. Just select the checkbox Send a copy of the notification via email . A field with the email sender will appear, and you can fill it in with the desired address.


For the desired email to appear as an option, it is necessary for the sending settings to be correctly registered. Additionally, the parameter to display the account as an option on the board must be enabled, as by default, this setting is disabled. To do this, go to Settings , under the parameter Email , click on Accounts and select the desired person. On the Main tab, check the checkbox Show this account in the email sending functionality of the announcement board .

Displaying Notices on the Board

In the preview, they appear in the order they were posted, from the most recent to the oldest.

By clicking on the card, you can view its content in full. See below the details of the information displayed on the screen.

1 - New notice - Click this button to create a new notice.

2 - Notice Creator - Name of the agent who created the notice.

3 - Notice Status - Indicates whether the notice is active or suspended.

4 - Edit - Click the pencil to edit the display criteria of the notice, suspend it, or delete it.

5 - Summary - Summary/subject of the notice that will appear in the mural preview.

6 - Date and Time - Date and time of notice publication.

7 - To - People with permission to view the notice.

8 - Content - Full display of the content.


ATTENTION! By default, notices are sent to agents and/or clients already existing in the database (and with permission) at the time of the notice creation. Therefore, if a person is registered or added to a team after the notice has been published, they will not be able to view it.


Note that in the mural view, there is an indicator for read and unread notices. Those that have already been opened appear in gray, while those that have not yet been clicked appear in orange.

How to edit notices on the board?

It is only possible to edit suspended notices. This is to avoid information mismatch, as when the notice is republished, a new notification is sent with the change, allowing agents and/or clients to see the modification made. Therefore, if you want to edit a notice that has already been published, you must suspend it and then edit it. To perform this action, click the pencil and SUSPEND. After completing the suspension, you should click the pencil again, which will open the Summary and Content fields, where you can make the necessary changes. Once the edits are complete, by clicking on NEXT, a pop-up for publication will be displayed, allowing you to choose between Publish now, Schedule, or Keep suspended.

Can the notice board be disabled?

Yes. If you do not want the notice board to appear on the home page, you can disable it. Just go to Settings >> Parameters >> Additional modules. Navigate to the Notice Board option and leave the switch button off, disabling it. Refresh your screen and the board will have disappeared from your home page.