01 - Service Catalog
13 min
Created by Movidesk on 8/23/2019 2:13 PM
Updated by Karine Moreira on 9/16/2024 2:16 PM
 In this article, you will learn how to configure and consult services.

The service catalog is a resource that allows you to clearly organize the activities performed by your company. 
This video shows the step-by-step process and parameters for configuring services in your Movidesk base.


One of the main concepts of the service catalog is hierarchical exposure, meaning it works like tickets in a parent/child structure. 
The service catalog is also essential for those using the SLA concept (Service Level Agreement or Service Level Agreement), as the response times are usually different for each service. 
Another important function of the service catalog is to segment areas that handle different products or company departments, as you can create this service structure in the catalog and later divide viewing panels for each team, restricting ticket visibility to the services handled by each team.

Service Catalog Configuration
The use of the service catalog is optional and by default is set to not required on your account. To use it, go to settings > account > parameters. On the tickets tab, the parameter require service information when opening tickets will be displayed, where you can choose to require it only for agents , customers , agents and customers or leave it as not required .
Another important parameter in the service card, also in the tickets tab, is to define when the service will be informed, which can be at the start of the service , until the ticket is concluded , or not required .
To allow other access profiles besides the administrator to register services, you need to check the parameter in the desired access profile. Go to settings > people > access profiles. In the settings tab, the parameter allow service registration. 

Tip! If this parameter is checked, the agent will be able to access the service registration screen. It is recommended that only administrators have access to this option, as this screen allows changing the services available for opening and handling tickets.

Service settings intended for customers are also found in the access profile, under the tickets tab. They are: allows informing the service when opening tickets and allows viewing the service on the ticket.

If these parameters are unchecked, even if you use the service definitions, the customer will not have access to this information. Similarly, there is also a parameter in the agent's access profile that determines whether the agent can or cannot select the service catalog item in their tickets.


Register the service catalog

When registering your service catalog, it is very important to have an overview of the hierarchy you want.

To register your service catalog, go to settings > classification > services.

On the left side of the screen, a tree with the existing service catalog is displayed. In this list, the first item called Service Catalog is not part of your catalog but is there to indicate that the items registered below it are actually the macro items of your catalog.

On the right side, the detailed items of the selected item on the left side of the screen will be displayed.

To add a new macro service, click on the main item Service Catalog and press the New Service (novo-servico.png) button. On the registration screen, several sections will be presented: Main, automatic macro execution, default values, and schedule.

In the main part, the following parameters will be presented:

  • Name: Define the name of the service that will be displayed to agents and customers.
  • Description: Field for a description of the service.
  • Available for tickets: Field that defines whether the service will be used in public, internal or public and internal.
  • Visible to:
Define whether this service will be displayed to agents, clients or agents and clients.
  • Allow ticket closure: Unchecking this parameter means the ticket cannot be closed if this item is selected. The agent needs to choose a new service before closing the ticket.


In the automatic macro execution section, we have a field for you to select a macro, which will be executed automatically whenever the service is selected by agents or clients when opening or editing tickets. 

Tip! Use this feature if you need to automate some action on the ticket based on the service selection.

Attention! There is a parameter in the client access profile that determines whether they can specify the service when opening tickets. If this parameter is unchecked, this parameter allowing visible items for the client will not apply, as they will not have access to the service information.

In the default values section, we have two fields in the same modal as the categories. There are the fields default category and default urgency that should appear as default when selecting this service on the ticket.

Finally, in the agenda section, there is a field for default participant that allows you to select people and/or teams to be the mandatory participant in all events. Also in this part, we have the fixed duration in agenda events parameter that determines that the duration is fixed.


Access Policy

The access policy of the services defines whether the service catalog will be configurable in the person registration or through the access profile. 

If you choose to configure it directly in person registration, go to settings > people > people. Open the client record you want to restrict access to services for. In the tab

relationships, there is the organization field, click the button botao-configuracoes-organizacao.png. A screen will appear and in the access policies section, there is the parameter allow access to all items in the service catalog which, when checked, grants access to all items in the service catalog. If unchecked, the system displays a field that allows you to select which services the selected client will view.


Press the OK button to save the settings and then save the changes to this client's record in Save.

The second way is when we uncheck the parameter define client access policies directly in the person registration, and then define them through the client's access profile. To do this, go to settings > people > access profiles. Access the client's profile and in the tab access policies you will find the same parameter modal presented in people, where you can allow access to all services in the catalog or define only specific services.

Attention! If you choose to control in the person registration, this parameter does not apply to agents, in that case, the configuration is always by access profile.

Service Catalog


Your catalog is now registered and properly configured to be used when opening or editing an existing ticket, both for agents and clients who have permission. 

The service catalog will be available as filter options within the trigger conditions, SLA contract rules, and in the view panels in the following options:

  • Service (1st Level): Compares only the first level of the selected item, regardless of which items are below it.  
  • Service (2nd Level): Compares only the second level of the selected item, regardless of which items are below it. 
  • Service (3rd Level): Compares only the third level of the selected item, regardless of which items are below it. 
  • Service (Full): The selected item in the ticket must be exactly the same as the one selected in the condition.

In the indicators module, in addition to the service being available in the composition of the conditions, exactly as we mentioned for triggers and SLA contracts, you will also have the following charts available to include in your dashboard:

  • Pending Tickets by Service (1st Level): Displays the number of pending tickets grouped by the first level of the hierarchy of the selected service item.
  • Pending Tickets by Service (2nd Level): Displays the number of pending tickets grouped by the second level of the hierarchy of the selected service item.
  • Pending Tickets by Service (3rd Level): Displays the number of pending tickets grouped by the third level of the hierarchy of the selected service item.
  • Pending Tickets by Service (Full): Displays the number of pending tickets for the selected service item.
  • Open Tickets by Service (1st Level): Displays the number of open tickets in the period grouped by the first level of the hierarchy of the selected service item.
  • Open Tickets by Service (2nd Level): Displays the number of open tickets in the period grouped by the second level of the hierarchy of the selected service item.
  • Open Tickets by Service (3rd Level): Displays the number of open tickets in the period grouped by the third level of the hierarchy of the selected service item.
  • Open Tickets by Service (Full): Displays the number of open tickets in the period grouped by the selected service item.
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