10 - Visualization: Listing
3 min
Created by Movidesk on 7/2/2019 4:35 PM
Updated by Karine Moreira on 9/19/2024 10:54 AM

This article teaches you how to organize a ticket view in a listing format. Creating a custom view allows you to adjust your workspace according to your needs. In Movidesk, you can view tickets in two formats: kanban or listing. In this guide, we will focus on how to create a detailed listing of tickets.

How to Create a Ticket Listing

Accessing the Settings

  1. In the side menu, click on Tickets.
  2. At the bottom of the list of options, select Customize Views.
  3. Click on the + icon to create a new view.

Configuring the New Listing

  1. Give your view a name and choose the Listing option.

Defining Conditions

Set the conditions that tickets must meet to appear in the listing.

Example: To view only closed public tickets, configure the following conditions:

  • Mandatory conditions:
    • Criterion: Ticket: Type | Operator: Equal to | Value: Public
  • Optional conditions:
    • Criterion: Ticket: Status | Operator: Equal to | Value: Closed
    • Criterion: Ticket: Status | Operator: Equal to | Value: Resolved

Choose the columns that are important for your view, such as status, type, number, subject, and urgency.

Organizing the Listing

Define the display order of tickets. To sort tickets by urgency in numerical order, set up the following configuration:

  • Sorting Criterion 1: Urgency (priority order)
  • Sorting Criterion 2: Number (numerical order within urgency)

Saving and Viewing the Listing

  1. Save your changes. The new panel will appear in your view list.
  2. If the listing does not appear immediately, refresh the page.

Exporting and Filtering Results

  • To export the listing, go to Options and select Export.
  • Use the Filter icon to refine results as needed.

Now you are ready to create and organize ticket listings in Movidesk, customizing your workspace. For more details on the Kanban format, check out our article on the topic: Kanban Visualization.