People Registration
10 min
Created by Edson Maestri on 6/11/2016 10:41 PM
Updated by Karine Moreira on 9/17/2024 3:58 PM
In this article, you will learn how to register people.
The registration of people is one of the most important modules of Movidesk. People can be both the agents, who provide the service, and their clients. They can be individuals, companies, or departments. It is only a definition in the person's registration that will differentiate which profile it belongs to.Remember that client registration is unrestricted. You can register as many as necessary, but the registration of agents is conditioned to the number of licenses you have acquired in your Movidesk account.

Below is the detailed video on how to register people:


 Also remember that every ticket must have one or more clients related to it, and these clients are people registered in your Movidesk.

How to manage the registration of people?

To register people onthe Main tab, go to Settings < People and then select the People option. Through this screen, you will be able to edit existing people or create new ones.

There are also other ways to register people, such as through email import and automatically. It can also be registered by an agent when opening a ticket.

Types of people

The first definition to be made when registering a person is their type.
Agents: People
Clients: Individuals or Organizations.
You can link a person to an organization, so that whenever necessary you can see all the tickets opened by the people linked to an organization.
It is possible to insert an image for the person being registered. The size used is 142x142 pixels.
Important: A person can be linked to a company but not to another person. If a company-type registration has links with people, its type cannot be changed.
Access profile
Here you will define whether the registered person will be an Agent or Client in your organization.The main difference between the two types is that a client-type person is a consumer of the services of your service center and theagents are the people responsible for providing that service.
Both clients and agents can have a password to access Movidesk; the access address will be the same for both, and no differentiation is needed when entering the username and password.
Important: An agent can be a client at the same time, so they can be indicated as the client of the ticket, for example, in internal tickets.
Within the registration of a person, whether a client or an agent, there is no configuration to restrict or allow access to certain functions. The only assignment that exists is the access profile of that person, which must be configured directly in the Access Profiles.
Clients are the individuals, companies, or departments that consume the services of the provider and consequently require support from them. The client’s username and password are not mandatory, but if you do not set them, the client will not be able to access the support portal to follow up on their tickets or even open new tickets if they have permission to do so. The client portal follows the same visual concept as the agent portal, but it is simpler, allowing only the possibility to open a new ticket or to consult or interact in the tickets that have already been opened in their name.
As we have already explained in the previous topics, agents are the individuals who will provide support within your support center.
When you purchased your Movidesk, your account was enabled with one active agent. You can add new agents through the people management screen, noting only that the maximum number of active agents will be conditioned by the number of licenses you have purchased in your plan.

If your company provides support to end consumers or companies, but there is no need to identify which person from that company you are interacting with, there is no need to use this feature. However, if you provide support to companies or departments and need to know which person from that company or department you are talking to, the organization will be useful for your structure.

The organization is the feature that links one or more people within the structure. Let’s take as an example that your support center provides support to the company PrinterP and that the company has two employees named John and Peter. These two employees contact your support center to request assistance.
In the above example, you should register the company PrinterP as a company-type person with the client profile. Then, you should register John as a person with the client profile, and in the Organization field, choose the company PrinterP. The same procedure should be done with Peter. After this, you will have indicated that the company PrinterP has two employees who are John and Peter.
When you go to open a ticket and search for John, Movidesk will present the structure “PrinterP > John,” identifying that you are registering the ticket on behalf of John from PrinterP and not John from another company.
Important: By default, Movidesk allows you to register both people without organization information and people linked to a company or department, but there is a parameter in Settings, under the Company group and Parameters that requires people of the person type to be necessarily linked to a company or department. If your company provides support to companies, consider marking this parameter.
Please note that when a person is registered through email import, they will not be linked to any organization. In this case, if the parameter requiring that people of the person type be linked to companies or departments is marked, you will be required to associate this client with a company or department until the ticket is closed.

All agents must be linked to one or more support teams. These teams represent the areas of your company, such as customer support, marketing, management, the finance department, and so on.

When you enabled your account in Movidesk, it was created with the Administrators and Agents teams, but you can change this setting by accessing the Teams screen, which is under the Settings option, in the People group. Teams are important for identifying which sector or department the ticket is assigned to.
When opening a ticket or during its processing, there is the possibility to assign this ticket to the responsibility of an agent or even a team. At that moment, all agents will be displayed under their respective teams. If an agent is linked to more than one team, their name will be displayed multiple times under each of the teams to which they are linked.

Information on ZIP Code registration in Movidesk

ZIP codes ending in -000, known as generic, are temporary and are used to represent an entire city without a specific address.

Why doesn't Movidesk return data with these ZIP codes?

  • When registering a ZIP code in Movidesk, it is necessary to provide a street name. However, generic ZIP codes do not have this detailed information, preventing the automatic filling of the fields.