Setting up the satisfaction survey module
11 min
Created by Edson Maestri on 6/11/2016 11:00 PM
Updated by Karine Moreira on 9/19/2024 5:49 PM

An important tool for your service center is the ability to measure the level of satisfaction of your customers with the service you are providing.

Often, a customer's dissatisfaction is not perceived by your organization and ends up manifesting in the worst possible way, which is the loss of the customer.
The satisfaction survey module allows you to easily and objectively assess your customer's level of satisfaction after each service, allowing you to identify areas that need improvement and act precisely to correct any deviations.
By default, the satisfaction survey module is disabled in your account, but if you want to use it, you just need to activate a few parameters to assess the service provided by your team.

Some important parameters about the satisfaction survey
There are some parameters related to the satisfaction survey module. These are:
Parameter: Use the satisfaction survey module
Definition: This is the parameter that enables or disables the satisfaction survey module within Movidesk. If it is unchecked, even if you configure the rest of the functionality, you will not be able to use the quality evaluation in Movidesk.
Location: Account parameters. Tickets tab, Satisfaction survey group.
Parameter: Satisfaction survey model
Definition: Parameter to determine whether your satisfaction survey will be done using the 5-star response model (5 levels of satisfaction) or the satisfied and dissatisfied options model.
Location: Account parameters. Tickets tab, Satisfaction survey group.
Parameter: View satisfaction survey response in tickets
Definition: Parameter that indicates whether the agent can view the satisfaction survey response in tickets. It is possible to define whether they have permission to see only the responses to their own tickets, only the responses to tickets with agents from their team, or the satisfaction evaluation of tickets with any agent.
Location: Agent access profile. Tickets tab, Service group.
Parameter: Allow viewing the satisfaction survey report
Definition: This parameter indicates whether the agent can view the management report that shows all the satisfaction survey responses in tickets. It is possible to define whether they have permission to see only the responses to their own tickets, only the responses to tickets with agents from their team, or the satisfaction evaluation of tickets with any agent.
Location: Agent access profile. Reports tab, Satisfaction survey group.

The satisfaction survey models

Movidesk offers two response models for the satisfaction survey in tickets. The first one, using the positive or negative model, gives the customer only two evaluation options: I am satisfied or I am dissatisfied.

The second model uses smiley faces to indicate the customer’s evaluation. In this model, it is possible to classify the ticket in 5 levels: Terrible, Bad, Neutral, Good, and Great.

In both evaluation models, it is possible to include a comment about the service received.

The triggers

The trigger functionality has some important conditions and dynamic variables (placeholders) for the satisfaction survey module. In fact, your account was initialized with a trigger to invite your customers to answer the survey. This trigger is disabled, so consider enabling it if you plan to use the survey module.
In addition to using the trigger to invite your customers to respond to the survey, you can create specific triggers to notify the responsible parties when a customer responds to a survey with a negative rating, for example. Or even when they include a comment in the evaluation.
When creating your triggers, check the conditions for the Ticket: Satisfaction Survey option. This condition provides the necessary filters for creating your trigger.
In the dynamic variables, which can be used in email descriptions, you can use the option {ticket.satisfactionsurvey.rating}, which is the block for the customer to answer the satisfaction survey, or {ticket.satisfactionsurvey.response}, which is the summary of the response given by the customer.
This last dynamic variable can be used in emails notifying when the customer has responded to a survey in the ticket.

The satisfaction survey in tickets
When the ticket is Closed and your parameter for using the satisfaction survey module is selected, the system will display an area where the customer can evaluate the service.
Please note that the ticket status where the survey is displayed is the closed status. This status is not marked by the agent when the ticket is completed. The status indicated by the agent on the ticket is Resolved. The ticket moves to the Closed status after the customer agrees with the solution presented by the agent or after a certain period of time without customer feedback.
In the latter case, the trigger changes the ticket status. The system’s default trigger changes the status from Resolved to Closed after 5 days without customer feedback, but you can adjust this time as you wish.

Responding to the satisfaction survey (Customer)

There are two ways for the customer to respond to the satisfaction survey in the ticket. The first is via the email that the system sends after the ticket is closed, inviting the customer to answer the survey. The second way is by accessing the ticket through the web portal.
In the first option, the customer will receive an email with an invitation to respond to the satisfaction survey with the response options in the email itself. By clicking on the desired response, the system opens a web page with a link to the ticket being responded to.
At this point, it is important to note the existence of a parameter in your company’s parameter settings. This parameter determines whether, when accessing a ticket via the link sent by email, the customer will need to authenticate by entering their username and password, or if the system should establish a trust relationship via a key sent in the email and open the ticket directly without requiring authentication.
If the parameter is unchecked, when the customer clicks on the desired response link, the system will open Movidesk at the username and password field. After entering the credentials, the customer is directed to the ticket, where the selected response is automatically saved, and the customer can edit the response or add a comment.
If the authentication parameter is checked, clicking on the email response will take the customer directly to the ticket page with their response saved, allowing them to change the response or add a comment if they wish.
Unless your Movidesk has a more restricted nature, we recommend checking the parameter to allow direct access by the customer without requiring authentication, when this access is through the links Movidesk sends by email.
Note that if the customer accesses Movidesk through the regular URL, authentication will be required even if the parameter is checked.
To change the parameter, on the system’s Main tab, go to the Settings option. In the left-hand menu, locate the Account group, then the Parameters option. In the Environment tab, locate and check the parameter Allow direct access to the ticket when accessed through the link sent in Movidesk emails.
The second way to respond to the survey is by directly accessing the ticket within Movidesk. In this case, the corresponding area for the survey response will be displayed before the start of the ticket actions. It is the same screen to which the user is directed when clicking on the email response link.

Viewing the satisfaction survey in tickets (Agents)

For agents who have permission to view the satisfaction survey responses, the system will display the customer’s evaluation when consulting a ticket.
This information is displayed as read-only and cannot be altered by the agent.
In addition to displaying the evaluation result in the ticket, the system also provides some fields for searching in the ticket listing.
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