11 - Visualization: Kanban
5 min
Created by Rafael Frigotto on 4/21/2018 1:24 PM
Updated by Karine Moreira on 9/19/2024 11:14 AM

The Kanban system offers more detailed control over your tasks, providing a clear and organized view of the entire process. It is widely used alongside Scrum, two agile software development methodologies. In Movidesk, you can choose the Kanban model to view your tickets, in addition to the traditional listing.

How to Create a New Kanban Grid

Creating a ticket view in Kanban format is simple. First, make sure you have permission to edit ticket panels. To check, go to:

Access Profiles > Your Profile > Tickets > Listing

Then, follow these steps:

  1. In the "Tickets" menu, click on "Customize Views".
  2. A new tab will open with all configured panels. Choose the desired panel.
  3. Click the "+" icon to create a new view.

On the registration screen:

  1. Give a name to the new grid and select the "Kanban" format.
  2. Configure filters to define which tickets will be displayed. In the example, we created a grid named "My Tickets - Kanban", which shows only the tickets of the logged-in agent.

Configuring Columns

Use the scrollbar or click on the "Kanban" tab. The system creates three default columns: "To Do", "In Progress", and "Done". You can:

  • Rename the columns by clicking on the titles.
  • Remove columns (by clicking the "x").
  • Add new columns with the "add column" icon.

In the example, we created two new columns called "Paused" and "Completed".


The ticket statuses are automatically distributed across the columns. When moving a ticket from one column to another, its status will be updated according to the destination column.

⚠️Attention: Only statuses linked to justifications or that do not require them will be displayed. It is not possible to create columns without assigning at least one status to them.


In the "Grouping" tab, define how the tickets will be grouped: by agent, category, urgency, or no grouping. If there are tickets that do not meet the chosen criteria, they will be listed as "unassigned", and you can choose to display them at the beginning or end of the list.

After configuring, click "Save" or "Save and Create New". Your Kanban will be ready for use.

Understanding Kanban

Kanban displays information differently from the traditional listing. Here’s how to identify the elements:

  • Column name and number of tickets.
  • Grouping by criterion (e.g., high urgency) and total tickets in the group.
  • The line to the left of the ticket indicates the type: blue (public) or purple (internal).
  • Details such as number, subject, customer, responsible person, urgency, and SLA are displayed on the card.

Using Kanban

Move tickets between columns to update their status. Ticket positions are automatically adjusted as statuses are changed.

⚠️Attention: It is not possible to change the status by moving a ticket within the same column, only between columns. Each column holds up to 50 tickets. To load more, click "Load More".


  • Access Policy: If the agent does not have permission to edit the ticket, they will not be able to move it.
  • Approval Rule: Tickets awaiting approval cannot be moved until they are approved or canceled.
  • "Closed" Status: It is not possible to move tickets to statuses based on "Closed" via Kanban.

Special Behavior

  • Ticket moved to another column: It will appear in the last position of the column. You can reorder it.
  • Ticket moved to "Resolved": When moving to a status based on "Resolved", the system will open the ticket for you to add the resolution.
  • Changes in Settings: Saving Kanban view settings resets the ticket sorting preferences.

Just like in the listing, the Kanban model allows exporting tickets to Excel spreadsheets when needed.