01 - Tickets
7 min
Created by Movidesk on 7/2/2019 4:41 PM
Updated by Leonora Garcia Alves on 10/8/2024 2:19 PM

Tickets represent every request received by support. Whenever a customer reaches out, whether by chat, email, phone, or form, it becomes a ticket in the system. If the customer has direct access to the platform, they can open a ticket themselves.

How to access a ticket

  1. In the side navigation menu, click the Tickets icon;

  2. In the listing on the left side of the screen, you'll see how tickets are organized. You can select one of the available options to view your tickets.

  3. Then, locate and click on the ticket you want to access on the right side of the screen.

Ticket Overview

The ticket overview is divided into two main areas:

  1. Classifications (left side);

  2. Workflows (right side).

1. Ticket Classifications

Each field in this area provides specific information that helps agents understand and prioritize tickets. Below, we detail the main fields and their functions:

  1. Type:

    • Public Ticket: Used for communication between the customer and the support team. It can be created by either the customer or the agent and allows interactions visible to both.

    • Internal Ticket: Exclusive for communication between agents, with no external visibility. Useful for internal discussions about a specific ticket.

      Note: It is possible to convert a public ticket into an internal one and vice versa, as needed.

  1. Number: Each ticket receives a number automatically generated. This number can be simple or follow a configured protocol, making it easier to identify and track.

  2. Requester: Identifies who made the request. This field is mandatory and essential for knowing who the demand is from.

  3. Service: Relates the ticket to specific services offered by the company. These services are defined in the system settings.

  4. Category: Classifies the nature of the request (for example, question, suggestion, or problem). This classification is configurable, helping group similar tickets.

  5. Urgency: Indicates the priority of the ticket (low, medium, high, etc.). This classification is crucial for the support team to focus on the most urgent requests first.

  6. Solution Forecast: This field can be filled in manually or automatically based on Service Level Agreement (SLA) rules, helping to set expectations about when the ticket will be resolved.

  • Responsible: Defines who is the agent in charge of resolving the ticket. The responsible party can be assigned manually or automatically, according to the established rules.

  • Cc: Allows adding email addresses so that other people receive copies of communications related to the ticket, keeping them informed.

  • Tags: Adds keywords to the ticket to facilitate organization and search. Tags help categorize tickets in a more granular way.

All fields, except Requester and Responsible, can be activated or deactivated in the system settings. This allows companies to adapt the ticket view and management according to their specific needs.

2. Ticket Procedures

The procedures area shows the status, subject, actions taken, and a box to log new actions. It also displays the ticket's relationships.

Each action added to the ticket generates a notification for the responsible party. You can view:

  • Public actions, internal actions, and internal messages.
  • Change history.

Ticket Features:

A series of features are available by accessing the Options menu, located in the upper right corner opcoes1.png

  • Start chat
  • Send email
  • Send internal message
  • Apply macro
  • Schedule automatic opening
  • View ticket events and details
  • Print
  • SLA details
  • Time logs
  • Clone, merge, or delete ticket

In addition, there is an attachment gallery where you can preview images and PDFs before deciding to download or print them.

You can download all attachments at once by clicking Select All and then Download, which generates a .zip file with the attachments.

Ticket Relationships

There is the option to:

  • Create a new ticket or

  • Link to an existing ticket, either as a parent or child ticket.

Just click on the menu opcoes2.png, located below the Add action button.

Additional Features

If the system is configured to suggest knowledge base articles, when creating a new ticket, suggestions of articles related to the typed subject will appear. This facilitates self-service and can prevent unnecessary ticket creation.

If you need to send an article to the customer, you can search the knowledge base and reply with the selected article.

Additionally, during a ticket action, you can add new attachments or reuse previously sent ones, change text formatting, apply macros, and update the status.

Action and attachment limits:

  • Maximum of 200 actions per ticket
  • Maximum of 100 attachments per action

These limits help ensure the system's good performance.

Now you have a clear and simple overview of how the ticket creation and management system works!

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