Additional fields for people
6 min
Created by Movidesk on 8/20/2019 1:48 PM
Updated by Karine Moreira on 10/7/2024 12:00 PM

In this article, you will learn how to configure and query additional fields for people.

The additional fields for people work similarly to ticket fields. They provide extra information to enhance service, allowing the creation of new informational or registration fields. These fields help collect more relevant and detailed data during ticket registration. There are different types of additional fields, with various configuration options and combinations.

Configuration of Additional Fields

By default, only administrators can access this module. To grant access to agents, follow these steps:

1. Go to Settings > People > Access Profile.

2. In the agents' profile, check the option Allow registering additional fields.

3. Additionally, it will be necessary to enable the creation of display rules by checking the option Allow registering display rules for additional fields.

With these options enabled, you will be able to create custom fields and their rules in the Additional Fields menu, accessible from the main settings page.

Creating an Additional Field

To create a new additional field, follow the steps below:

  1. Go to Settings > Additional Fields > Fields.
  2. You will see all fields created for tickets and people. Use the filters to make the search easier.
  3. Click on the New Field new-field.png.

On the field creation screen, fill in the following parameters:

  • Name: Name for the field's identification in the system.
  • Field for: Define whether the field will be used for tickets or people.

Available Field Types:

  • Single-line Text: Field of up to 255 characters.
  • Multi-line Text: No character limit.
  • HTML Text: No character limit, with HTML formatting.
  • Regular Expression: For specific validations (such as CPF and CNPJ).

    • Examples:
      • CPF (with punctuation): ^([0-9]{3}).([0-9]{3}).([0-9]{3})-([0-9]{2})?$
      • CNPJ (with and without punctuation): [0-9]{2}.?[0-9]{3}.?[0-9]{3}/?[0-9]{4}-?[0-9]{2}
      • Negative Numbers: ^(0(,\d{0,2})?|-?[1-9]\d*(,\d{1,2})?)$

  • Value List: Dropdown list of values to be selected in the ticket or person, with single or multiple selection options.
  • List of People/Clients/Agents: Select from system records.
  • Numeric: With or without decimal places.
  • Date: In the format dd/mm/yyyy.
  • Time: In the format hh.
  • Date and Time: Both formats.
  • Email: Validates email addresses.
  • Phone: Field with appropriate masking.
  • URL: Validates URLs.
  • File: To attach files (up to 10MB).
  • Help Text: Optional text displayed along with the field.

⚠️Attention: Changing the field type after filling it in may result in the loss of entered data.

After setting the configurations, click Save. If you want to create another field, use the option Save and create new. To manage created fields, go to the Fields screen, where you can enable, disable, or delete fields.

Creating Display Rules

After creating an additional field, you need to configure display rules to apply it to the person registration. These rules define aspects such as field requirements and positioning.

Steps to create a display rule:

  1. Go to Settings > Additional Fields > Display Rules.
  2. Click on New Rule new-field.png and fill in the following parameters:
    • Name: Rule identification.
    • Allows adding new rows: Add multiple entries for the same set of fields.
    • Rule for: Define whether it will be applied to tickets or people.

In the fields tab, drag the additional fields to the rules area. Configure the size and positioning of each field. The fields can be adjusted to display only for customers, agents, or both. Use the Columns option to adjust the space occupied by the field (from 1 to 12, with 12 being the maximum value for a row).

To make the field required, configure the Require option.

After adjusting the parameters, click on Save. You can edit or delete the rule as needed. If new fields are added later, you will need to repeat this process.

💡Tip: Whenever a new additional field is included in the rule, you will need to repeat the procedures. The settings of each field may vary according to your needs.

Now let's move to the last step of creating the rule: the position on the screen. In this tab, you define where the fields will be positioned.

After making the adjustments, click on Save to create and enable the rule.

💡Tip: The fields highlighted in blue represent additional fields. Drag them to define their position on the screen.