Bulk Actions - people registration
5 min
Created by Rafael Frigotto on 4/16/2018 9:36 AM
Updated by Karine Moreira on 9/17/2024 4:09 PM
      Practicality in editing records in Movidesk. This is the purpose of the "Bulk Actions" feature in the people registration. With this feature, it is possible to make simultaneous changes to multiple records with just a few clicks, or even edit a single record directly from the ticket grid, without needing to access it for making specific changes. 
     This feature is available to all users with permission to edit the people registration. Initially, it will be hidden (as well as the delete/disable selected options). To use it, simply access the people grid and select one (or more) record(s). Once done, just click on the "options" menu, where then, among the alternatives, Bulk Actions will be displayed.



     See the list below, with the available editing options through the Bulk Actions feature in the people registration.


  • Change additional field value - Allows editing additional fields linked to the registration of one or more people.
  • Add asset(s) - Allows linking new assets to one or more registrations, keeping the already informed assets linked (if any).
  • Set asset(s) - Allows linking new assets to one or more registrations, unlinking the already informed assets (if any).
  • Change password - Allows resetting the password of one or more registrations, assigning a standard password across all selected ones.
  • Change access profile - Allows changing the access profile of the selected registrations (it is important to note that client profiles can only be changed to other client profiles, agent profiles can be changed to other agent profiles -including administrator profiles- and administrator profiles can be changed to any other agent profile; however, an administrator can only change their own profile if the new profile being assigned is also an administrator profile).
  • Change classification - Allows informing/editing the "classification" field in the selected registrations.
  • Change position - Allows informing/editing the "position" field in the selected registrations.
  • Change supervisor - Allows assigning/changing the supervisor of the selected registrations.
  • Change time zone - Allows informing/editing the time zone for the selected registrations.
  • Change language - Allows informing/changing the language used by the support center for the selected registrations.
  • Set indicators - Allows configuring which indicators will be available for the selected registrations (some indicators are not available for registrations with client access profile).
  • Add team - Allows informing/adding teams to the informed registrations, keeping the already informed teams linked, if any (applicable only to registrations with agent profiles).
  • Set team - Allows setting teams for the informed registrations, unlinking the already informed teams, if any (applicable only to registrations with agent profiles).
  • Send email with layout - Allows sending emails to several clients simultaneously using a standard layout (in the case of an invitation to WhatsApp, for example), or free text.
     This feature also allows applying changes to more than one field (simultaneously) in several registrations. Use the icon "" to add new lines to the Bulk Actions, select different fields, define the values to be set, and apply the changes by clicking on . Done, the new information will be applied to the respective registrations.


     It is worth noting that the system's behavior when applying changes through Bulk Actions is the same as Movidesk uses when changes are made directly in the user registrations. This means, for example, that administrators cannot change their own access profile. 

Important: When performing Bulk Actions on people registrations, the change will be applied to up to 80 records at a time. If there are more records to be updated, Bulk Actions will need to be performed again.
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